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SugarCRM LAMP App Deployment Usecase IBM Vnomic. 2 Objective Using an application which is simple, but also presents the most fundamental deployment challenges,

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1 SugarCRM LAMP App Deployment Usecase IBM Vnomic

2 2 Objective Using an application which is simple, but also presents the most fundamental deployment challenges, which can be referred to when discussing TOSCA features and functionality, try to generate all the TOSCA artifacts required to deploy it, identifying and resolving necessary issues in the process Iterate until we can deploy the application

3 3 SugarCRM Popular Open Source (community edition) CRM Business Application (v 6.1.5) 2 Tier LAMP stack PHP Installed in private and public clouds Supports multiple databases Can be deployed in 1 or 2 Tier topology

4 4 SugarCRM Service SugarCRM Service Model Zone1 WebServerTier Apache Web Server SugarCRM App PHP Module DBServerTier MySQL SugarCRM DB HTTP Client Application EndPoint HTTP Port 80 DocumentRoot:/SugarCRM Database client requires client credentials, DB Name, host and port Admin Access and/or Management Access possibly over separate isolated networks with different client credentials requires MySQL Client Endpoint Port 3306 Database content must be placed on storage of required capacity, availability and performance

5 5 Deployment Artifacts NameDescriptionTypeLicenseVersionedDependenciesMimeType SugarCE-Full-6.1.5.tar.gz SugarCRM application content deployed in /var/www/html This content is stateful, i.e. the application will change it. It must be extracted for migration. Gzipped TarGPL Vendor version + snapshot version Apache 2.xapplication/x-gtar mysql_db_sugarcrm.tar.gz Sugar CRM database files for MySQL This content is stateful, i.e. the application will change it. It must be extracted for migration. Gzipped TarGPL Vendor version + snapshot version MySQL 5.xapplication/x-gtar httpd-2.2.3-31.el5.centosApache HTTPD RPMRPMGPLRPM versioningOther RPMs in YUM repoapplication/x-rpm mysql-server-5.0.77-4.el5_6.6 mysql-5.0.77-4.el5_6.6 MySQL database RPMRPMGPLRPM versioningOther RPMs in YUM repoapplication/x-rpm php53-5.3.3-1.el5_6.1 php53-cli-5.3.3-1.el5_6.1 php53-common-5.3.3-1.el5_6.1 php53-mbstring-5.3.3-1.el5_6.1 php53-imap-5.3.3-1.el5_6.1 Apache PHP module RPMRPMGPLRPM versioningOther RPMs in YUM repoapplication/x-rpm

6 6 SugarCRM Installation Model Apache Web Server SugarCRM App PHP Module MySQL SugarCRM DB MySQLDatabaseRPMInstallation MySQLDatabaseContentInstallation (rpm_mysql-5.0.77-4.el5_6.6_db_sugarcrm.tar.gz) /etc/my.cnf ApacheRPMInstallation /etc/php.ini /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf./config.php PHPRPMInstallation SugarCRMWebApplicationInstallation (rpm_httpd-2.2.3-31.el5.centos_app_SugarCE-Full-6.1.5.tar.gz located at: /var/www/html/ SugarCE-Full-6.1.5)

7 7 SugarCRM Hierarchy Tier VM OS Web Server SugarCRM App PHP Module Requires Tier VM OS MySQL SugarCRM DB Cloud

8 8 SugarCRM Deployment Model SugarCRM Deployment Database Tier WebServer Tier WebServer Tier LB FW LB FW HTTP Client VM...... Network Admin/Mgmt access requires bypassing the LB and specific FW configuration Admin Client Mgmt Client Mgmt Client Management Traffic

9 9 Web Tier (GroupTemplate) Topology Template – High Level 9 VM-Apache (VirtualMachine) OS-Apache (OperatingSystem) ApacheWebServer (ApacheWebServer) SugarCRM App (SugarCrmApp) PHP Module (PhpModule) HostedOn DependsOn DB Tier (GroupTemplate) VM-MySQL (VirtualMachine) OS-MySQL (OperatingSystem) MySQL (MySQL) SugarCRM DB (SugarCrmDb) HostedOn ConnectsTo Thought about using DependsOn, but they may be too different!?!

10 10 Topology Template – Alternative 10 VM-Apache (VirtualMachine) OS-Apache (OperatingSystem) ApacheWebServer (ApacheWebServer) SugarCRM App (SugarCrmApp) PHP Module (PhpModule) HostedOn DependsOn VM-MySQL (VirtualMachine) OS-MySQL (OperatingSystem) MySQL (MySQL) SugarCRM DB (SugarCrmDb) HostedOn ConnectsTo Web Tier (Tier) HostedOn DB Tier (Tier) HostedOn

11 11 Web Tier (GroupTemplate) Deployment Artifacts 11 VM-Apache (VirtualMachine) OS-Apache (OperatingSystem) ApacheWebServer (ApacheWebServer) SugarCRM App (SugarCrmApp) PHP Module (PhpModule) HostedOn DependsOn DB Tier (GroupTemplate) VM-MySQL (VirtualMachine) OS-MySQL (OperatingSystem) MySQL (MySQL) SugarCRM DB (SugarCrmDb) HostedOn ConnectsTo 152 34 66

12 12 Deployment Artifacts - Details 1.SugarCE-Full-6.1.5.tar.gz 2.mysql_db_sugarcrm.tar.gz 3.httpd-2.2.3-31.el5.centos (RPM) 4.mysql-server-5.0.77-4.el5_6.6 (RPM), mysql-5.0.77-4.el5_6.6 (RPM) 5.php53-5.3.3-1.el5_6.1 (RPM), php53-cli-5.3.3-1.el5_6.1 (RPM), php53-common-5.3.3-1.el5_6.1 (RPM), php53-mbstring-5.3.3-1.el5_6.1 (RPM), php53-imap-5.3.3-1.el5_6.1 (RPM) 6.VM image (e.g. RHEL 6.x) 12

13 13 Issues Need for a core set of basic Relationship Types, Node Types, and Deployment Artifacts Representing endpoint and connection semantics in Service Templates Representing deployment specific sets of Deployment Artifacts Service Template validation

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