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Presentation on theme: "+ Presentation (school) (Date) (presenters name)."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Presentation (school) (Date) (presenters name)

2 + Agenda Little bit about me: Why I am here today Background My JA story What does Entrepreneurship mean? Learning by Doing exercise

3 + My story Inspire

4 + The Changing Lives Campaign A European youth initiative Aiming to: Inspire Challenge Empower

5 + Me? - background (Age) (name of e.g. high school and university) (current profession) (the quote that best describes your approach to life)

6 + Me? – before the JA programme

7 + The (JA Programme) & I

8 + A Learning Experience ? ? ChallengesLearning Outcomes

9 + After the Programme (Who am I now) (How did I change) (How did I stay involved = alumni ) (Why did I stay involved)

10 + Before the break Never forget what a little motivation and inspiration can do

11 + Learning by doing Leaders are made not born Talent is the result of hard work, not innate abilities Success is a journey, not a destination Challenge

12 + The challenge

13 + What did you learn?

14 + A Leadership Lesson Leadership lesson come to us from unexpected places

15 + The Entrepreneurship path Empower

16 + What are your options? Doctor, lawyer, teacher, contractor, coach… Or Entrepreneur Have any of you every considered becoming an entrepreneur? Working for yourself or for somebody else

17 + Entrepreneurship Fact-check Large multinational companies run the economy – FALSE more than 99% of all European businesses are SMEs To be an entrepreneur you have to invent something completely new – FALSE Entrepreneurship is to create a new company – FALSE European Commission: Entrepreneurship is 'the mind set and process needed to create and develop economic activity within a new or an existing organisation'.

18 + The up and downs Freedom & flexibility Be your own boss Work with your passion Feel ownership in you success Fun Challenging & Tough Never ending workday AdvantagesDisadvantages

19 + Is it right for you? How would you like to work? With what would you like to work? In what environment do you see yourself? What role do you see yourself in?

20 + A few facts JA-YE Alumni are 4-5 times more likely to start a business launch startups with higher survival rates are more employable earn higher salaries

21 + Thank for your time Be in touch: (email address)

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