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Electric Charge. Atoms Small particles of matter Composed of 3 smaller particles: Protons = positive (+) charge Electrons = negative (-) charge Neutrons.

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Presentation on theme: "Electric Charge. Atoms Small particles of matter Composed of 3 smaller particles: Protons = positive (+) charge Electrons = negative (-) charge Neutrons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electric Charge

2 Atoms Small particles of matter Composed of 3 smaller particles: Protons = positive (+) charge Electrons = negative (-) charge Neutrons = no charge (neutral)

3 Nucleus (protons & Neutrons) Electrons Atom

4 Electric Charge Property causing particles to attract or repel each other Transfer of electrons causes objects to become charged –gain electrons = negative charge –lose electrons = positive charge –Unit is Coulomb: amount of charge carried by 6.25 x 10 18 electrons

5 Electric Force: attraction or repulsion between charges Like charges Repel Opposite charges attract

6 Electric Field Effect electric charge has on other charges around it Strength depends on: 1. Amount of charge it produces 2. Distance from the charge –STRONGER WHEN CLOSER –Viewing chargesViewing charges

7 + - Electric Field Points outward Points inward

8 Static Electricity How charges build up and transfer between objects 3 Ways to transfer charge 1. Friction 2.Contact 3.Induction

9 Charging By Friction Loosely held electrons from one object are transferred to another object by rubbing together –Ex: Rubbing balloon against clothes –Walking across a carpetWalking across a carpet

10 Charging by contact Object with excess electrons touches a neutral object, electrons are passed to neutral object –Van de Graaff generator: charged sphere. Hair gains electrons

11 Charging by Induction Transfer of charge without contact –Reaching for a doorknob after walking across carpet –Viewing induction one sphereViewing induction one sphere –Viewing induction two spheresViewing induction two spheres

12 Static Discharge Sudden release of built up charge –Path must form between objects Examples: –Shock touching doorknob –Lightning (large discharge) –How lightning formsHow lightning forms

13 Electroscope Device that detects electric charge –Leaves separate if charged

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