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Alex Puga Albert Andrea Moreno Rodríguez 4rtC Project: Math in English.

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Presentation on theme: "Alex Puga Albert Andrea Moreno Rodríguez 4rtC Project: Math in English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alex Puga Albert Andrea Moreno Rodríguez 4rtC Project: Math in English

2 1. What cryptography is? 2. Brallie 2.1. Louis Braille 2.2. Brallie alphabet 2.3. Activitiy 3. ASCII code 4. QR code

3 Braille is a system of thought tactile reading and writing for blind people. Also known as cecografía. Braille is interesting also because it is a binary numbering system that preceded the advent of computers. Braille is not a language, but an alphabet. With the Braille can be represented letters, punctuation, numbers, scientific spelling, math symbols, music…

4 Louis Braille was born in france. Blind was a French teacher, famous for the invention of the reading system for the blind.



7 The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is a character-encoding scheme originally based on the English alphabet. ASCII codes represent text in computers, communications equipment, and other devices that use text.


9 Is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan; a barcode is an optically machine-readable label that is attached to an item and that records information related to that item: The information encoded by a QR code may be made up of four standardized types ("modes") of data (numeric, alphanumeric, byte / binary, Kanji) or, through supported extensions, virtually any type of data. http://qrcodemie.123mi


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