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26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)1 Certifiable Software for the ATN Making ATN a reality…now… Presented by Forrest Colliver ACI General Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)1 Certifiable Software for the ATN Making ATN a reality…now… Presented by Forrest Colliver ACI General Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)1 Certifiable Software for the ATN Making ATN a reality…now… Presented by Forrest Colliver ACI General Manager

2 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)2 The Nature of Portable Communications Software What is portable software ? Software quality and the ATN… How is portable ATN software developed ? Methodologies Quality Standards How is portable software used ? By whom ? ACI’s Portable & Certifiable ATN Software

3 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)3 What is “portable software”? Types of Software Ready-to-run binary end-user software Examples: personal computer software, game software, etc. For consumption by individual or organizational end-users Plug and play operation Portable binary library or source code software Examples: linkable object modules (databases, interfaces, etc.) or source code (protocols, drivers, or other code requiring adaptation to platforms & operating systems) For consumption by manufacturers or sophisticated end-users having in-house information technology support Usable after integration in & customization for target platform Although used in different contexts, both may be called “commercial off-the-shelf” (COTS) software

4 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)4 What is “portable software”? Why use Portable Software? Manufacturer’s perspective Non-recurring cost reduction: no need for redevelopment of commercially available code; no opportunity cost where internal resources could be better applied to other projects Lifecycle cost reduction: portable modules warranted and maintained by software vendor Risk reduction:  Pre-tested software modules are ready to integrate  Portable software can be supplied with certification artifacts  Facilitates earlier delivery of manufacturers’ products to market End-user’s perspective Reduced end-user pricing; more competitive products Improved confidence: “Intel-inside” effect Factors above contribute to what should essentially be a “make/buy” decision by manufacturer

5 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)5 Software Quality & the ATN The architecture can offer… ATN architecture was created for support of both safety-critical ATS and AOC applications Controller/pilot communications (ATS), e.g. clearances Controller/controller communications (ATS), e.g. handoff Airline dispatch/pilot communications (AOC), e.g. re-routing How? Integrity Assurance via protocol design  “what is received is what was sent” Enhanced Availability via routing architecture  “information transferred end-to-end in a timely manner”  Remember: key role of the ATN is to manage mission- critical communication resources & message traffic

6 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)6 Software Quality & the ATN …but software must deliver Accordingly, mission-critical application of ATN protocols demands software design & quality assurance consistent with “Essential” systems Rationale: undetected integrity/availability failures may contribute to operational errors and/or lead to unacceptable dispatch/controller/pilot work-load RTCA DO-178B provides software development guidelines for Level C, to meet “Essential” systems requirements ACI’s approach to problem… To ensure ATN software mission-readiness…all ACI RRI/ASE software conforms to DO178B Level C guidelines

7 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)7 How is ACI’s software developed ? Production Methodology DO-178B Level C Constitutes the norm for “essential” avionics systems ACI offers full development & documentation compliance  includes configuration management & quality assurance aspects Maximizes certification credit by optimizing certification effort during portation process, using supplied certification artifacts MIL-STD-498 FAA and other US government users specify MIL-STD-498 development methodology & lifecycle compliance for mission- critical software & systems Applied on both code development & documentation aspects Complementary to DO 178B Level C

8 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)8 How is ACI’s software developed ? Lifecycle Functional View System/Software Requirements Software Design Code Generation, Unit Test & Integration Functional Requirements Formal Test Execution Validation

9 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)9 How is ACI’s software developed ? Traceability of Requirements Specifications SDD CODE FRS ICAO PICS/SARPs S/SRS VTC Non-functional requirements Performance requirements VTP Testable requirements

10 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)10 How is ACI’s software developed ? Testing/Verification (1/2) Software verification testing consists of two key components: Requirements-based testing (RBT)  Software tested against each requirement to ensure that it does what it is supposed to do and doesn’t perform any unintended functionality Structural coverage analysis (SCA)  Identifies code structures (at the instruction level for DO 178B Level C) that are not exercised by the RBT  Ensures that every software instruction is required; i.e. has been invoked at least once

11 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)11 How is ACI’s software developed ? Testing/Verification (2/2) Requirements at lowest level (SDD) completely cover higher level requirements Requirements inspection process assures coverage Computer Software Unit (CSU) tests ensure SDD requirement conformance Inspection process assures that tests fully cover requirements Test cases identify WHAT is to be tested Test procedures identify HOW the test will be performed CSU tests cover both normal operations and evaluation of robustness under limit conditions Check validity of external data prior to CSU importation Checks for validity of CSU arithmetic operations

12 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)12 Certifiable ATN Software Portable Building Blocks Four RRI Component Builds Airborne Boundary Intermediate System (ABIS) Ground Boundary Intermediate System (GBIS) Airborne End System (AES) Ground End System (GES) Four Application Service Element (ASE) Modules Context Management (CM) Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) Controller/Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC) Flight Information Service (FIS)

13 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)13 Certifiable ATN Software System Architecture

14 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)14 Certifiable ATN Software Statistics Each RRI build comprises between 60000 and 90000 source lines of DO 178B Level C code AES/GES: 63000/75000 ABIS/GBIS: 87000/87000 Four ASEs together comprise between 60000 and 80000 source lines of code Airborne ASEs: order of 15000 each Ground ASEs: order of 20000 each Approximately 5000 tested requirements overall

15 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)15 Certifiable ATN Software Component Architecture NMA HMI Subnet Drivers System Clock OS S y s t e m E n v i r o n m e n t E x c h a n g e S E I C o r e P S E Local Manager User PSE Router Stack Platform Custom ATN Portable Product Package Components (shaded) User Processes User Applications ATN Applications

16 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)16 Certifiable ATN Software System Interfaces

17 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)17 Certifiable ATN Software Product Composition Source software modules Documentation User's Guide Porting Guide Functional Requirement Specification (FRS) External Interface Control Document (EICD) Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) Validation test scripts & sequences System level CSCI level DO 178B Level C Certification artifacts Products pre-ported for UNIX/Streams environment

18 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)18 Certifiable ATN Software Product Support & Evolution RRI & ASE products under configuration & change management process Operated by ATNSI & ACI as open process; ATN stakeholder interests and participation incorporated Designed to allow incorporation of general problem reports (PRs) as well as ICAO PDRs, plus agreed product improvements, while respecting interoperability Product Support Through end of warranty period (mid 2002): RRI/ASE support assured by ACI under CCB process Following warranty: long-term RRI/ASE support committed by ACI Member companies To-date: maintenance releases made at regular intervals, following initial RRI/ASE product deliveries in February 2000

19 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)19 Certifiable ATN Software Certification Credit Controversial subject Definitive approach awaits decisions by authorities What is known: Structural Coverage Analysis credit likely based on FAA analysis Requirement Based Test procedures and results comprise part of product package; can be rerun as required by certification authorities Validation Test procedures and results comprise part of product package; can be rerun as required by customer for acceptance testing Conformance Test Suite (CTS) role; view of certification authorities not yet definitive  In any case, ACI software is designed to streamline, risk- reduce, & cost-reduce the certification process

20 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)20 Result: fit for purpose portable ATN software… Product quality meets safety requirements, meets specifications, and reduces lifecycle costs Formalized nature of DO-178B Level C development process leads to high overall product quality Process facilitates change management & lifecycle support Production of required artifacts demonstrates compliance and supports users of software products Full traceability of functions to design, to code, and to test  Full functional test coverage Verifies that all functions have been tested  Full structural test coverage Verifies that all code is executed

21 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)21 The significance of all this… Portable software designed to mission-ready quality standards can reduce manufacturer cost & schedule risks, and can facilitate certification ATN software certifiable to DO 178B Level C has been in the field since February 2000, and will play a major role in the FAA CPDLC communication infrastructure, as well as in the products of the ACI partner companies This portable & certifiable software is available to 3rd parties under license, to provide the same benefits of cost and risk reduction, and to aid in bringing the ATN into service…TODAY

22 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)22 Aeronautical Communication International LLC Who are we? What do we do? ACI was formed in 1997 as a joint venture of Airsys- ATM, Honeywell International, Thomson-CSF Sextant & Sofréavia, all suppliers of CNS/ATM products & services ACI was created to execute the ATN Router Reference Implementation (RRI) Project, under contract to ATNSI In addition, ACI has financed a variety of ATN-related software developments and service activities: Complementary Application/Management Software ATN standardization support (AEEC, IATA & ICAO) ATNSI CTS Program Support EUROCONTROL Petal II & CAERAF Program Support FAA Ground Router Architecture & Evaluation Support ACI is currently engaged as a subcontractor to CSC on the FAA CPDLC Build I & Build I/A Programs

23 26-27 September 2000ATN2000 (London)23 Aeronautical Communication International LLC For more information … Contact… Forrest Colliver, General Manager Bob Kerr, Marketing & Communications Or, visit the ACI web site at…

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