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GROCERY SHOPPING WITHIN A BUDGET Because you need to eat…and eat well…regardless of how much money you have.

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Presentation on theme: "GROCERY SHOPPING WITHIN A BUDGET Because you need to eat…and eat well…regardless of how much money you have."— Presentation transcript:

1 GROCERY SHOPPING WITHIN A BUDGET Because you need to eat…and eat well…regardless of how much money you have.

2 What are your home habits? What do you think your family spends on groceries per week? How much do you think you would spend on groceries per week living alone?

3 Grocery Shopping Tips Have a good shopping list. Plan ahead and stick to it. A good list is based on your budget, meal plans and nutritional needs. Plan your meals and snacks ahead. Never shop when you are hungry – you’ll buy more. If possible, shop alone. Read store ads, compare unit prices, use coupons, read food labels. Don’t fall into any impulse buys at the check out. Pay attention at the check out for price errors and remember to use your coupons.

4 What kind of shopper are you? Thrifty: Low-cost: Moderate-cost: Liberal cost:

5 OFFICIAL USDA FOOD PLANS How much should a 17 year old male/female be spending on a low cost plan?

6 Creating a Menu Plan & Budget You will be creating a menu & budget plan for your family 1) Decide what type of shopper you will be. You may not be ‘liberal’ (that’s too easy). Declare it. 2) List the number of people in your family and their ages. 3) How much total money can you spend on food weekly (based on the USDA Food Plans and your shopper type)?

7 Menu Planning Requirements You must stay within budget. Include three meals a day, all eaten at home. Demonstrate effective use of ingredients and leftovers. Offer nutritious/balanced meals (i.e. you can’t eat Kraft Dinner all week) Clearly indicate how much you will need of each ingredient in your meals. THEN… CREATE YOUR GROCERY LIST!!!

8 When creating your grocery list…

9 WHEN YOU ARE ALLLLLLLL DONE…ANSWER THE REFLECTION QUESTIONS. Make sure your information and calculations are realistic and complete.

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