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Park West Communicating Student Learning Welcome to the Grade 9 Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Park West Communicating Student Learning Welcome to the Grade 9 Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Park West Communicating Student Learning Welcome to the Grade 9 Team

2 The Team Teachers Gordon Beattie: Math Lorna Bennett: English Language Arts Lorna and Gordon: Healthy Living Tammy Riddell: Science Courtney White: Social Studies H. Green / S. George : French Jude d’Entremont: Tech Education Arlene White-Jackson: Art Mike Carrighan and Gordon: Physical Education

3 The GCO’s GCO stands for General Curriculum Outcome. Each GCO has a number of specific curriculum outcomes called SCO’s.

4 Math GCO’s There are 5 GCO’s in math. They are: A - Students will demonstrate number sense and apply number-theory concepts.

5 Math GCO’s cont. B - Students will demonstrate operation sense and apply operation principles and procedures in both numeric and algebraic situations.

6 Math GCO’s cont. C - Students will explore, recognize, represent, and apply patterns and relationships, both informally and formally.

7 Math GCO’s cont. D - Students will demonstrate an understanding of and apply concepts and skills associated with measurement. E – Students will demonstrate spatial sense and apply geometric concepts, properties, and relationships.

8 Methods of Evaluation and Assessment for Math We will all be using a variety of evaluation tools to assist us with the evaluation of the students. The following is a list of ways that we will use to assess: –Tests, quizzes, assignments, class work, journals, presentations, projects, homework probes and portfolios.

9 ELA Curriculum Outcomes In the Grade 9 ELA curriculum there are three main strands Speaking and Listening (GCO 1-3) Reading and Viewing (GCO 4-7) Writing and Other ways of representing (GCO 8-10)

10 ELA 9 Language is learned most easily when the various processes are integrated and when skills and strategies are kept meaningful to the students.

11 Speaking and Listening Students will be expected to: Speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences Communicate information and ideas effectively and clearly, and to respond personally and critically Interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation, audience and purpose

12 Reading and Viewing Students will be expected to: Select, read and view with understanding a range of literature, information, media, and visual text Interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources and technologies Respond personally to a range of texts Respond critically to a range of texts, applying their understanding of language, form and genre

13 Writing and Representing Students will be expected to: Use writing and other forms of representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, experiences and learning's; and use their imaginations Create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes Use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and other ways of representing and to enhance their clarity, precision and effectiveness

14 Exams Exams will take place in June. They will coincide with the high school exams. Exams will be given in the four core subjects. –Language Arts –Math –Social Studies –Science

15 Methods of Evaluation and Assessment cont. There will be three reporting periods. December, April and June. The students this year will receive a final number grade on their report card. Powerschool will be used this year to record student progress and assignment completion Assessment

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