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Auditory learners usually learn best by hearing information. You may find you can remember information more accurately when it has been explained to you.

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Presentation on theme: "Auditory learners usually learn best by hearing information. You may find you can remember information more accurately when it has been explained to you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Auditory learners usually learn best by hearing information. You may find you can remember information more accurately when it has been explained to you orally. You may prefer to listen and talk about your ideas rather than write them down

2 Auditory learners make up approximately 20% of the population- that’s 1 in 5 people. Auditory learners often use auditory specific phrases like: "Sounds good to me” “That rings a bell."

3 Auditory learners typically learn by: Verbal instructions from other, self or oral reading, books on tape, oral reports, discussion, brainstorming, rhyming words, poetry, verse, talking with a partner or with a group prior to written assignment Suggestions for studying Study with a friend so you can talk out loud Study with a friend so you can talk out loud Say aloud the things you want to remember Say aloud the things you want to remember Read out loud Read out loud Make tapes of notes or lessons and listen to then to revise Make tapes of notes or lessons and listen to then to revise Plan an essay as if you are giving a talk Plan an essay as if you are giving a talk

4 When working in pairs of groups set yourself clear targets of what you want to study before you meet. Activity: In pairs- create revision cards on a topic. Write down in bullet points the key information on a topic. Read the card out to each other several times. Discuss what is the most important information to remember and why. Then test each other on the contents of the cards. Circle Theorems 1.Angles in a semi circle = 90 degrees 2.Angle between a tangent and radius = 90 degrees 3.Opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral add to 180 degrees 4.A chord splits a circle into a major and minor segment. 5.And so on........ Example revision card: Circle theorems

5 Where possible read out loud. Reading orally means your voice will reinforce what you read. To memorize specific facts repeat this process. Chanting facts or giving facts and dates rhythm can aid memory recall. Where this is not possible mouth the words- reading slowly! Use your finger or a bookmark to avoid skipping lines or words when reading. When reading try to put things into your own words. Read a line, then try and put that in a different way rearranging the sentence or using different vocabulary. Make acronyms as mnemonic devices. A mnemonic device is a memory aid an example of which is an Acronym. An acronym is the name for a word created from the first letters of each word in a series of words (for example SONAR stands for SOund Navigation And Ranging).

6 StatementTrueFalse Consider each statement. Do you think it is true or false? I will need a tape recorder False There are many alternatives to a tape recorder. Many mobile phones, computers and other music devices have a sound recording function. You can also download pod-casts or audioguides onto your MP3 or PSP for revision I will be able to learn the material by playing it when I’m asleep False This may work for some people- but in reality you should be conscious of what you are listening to. I should read from the textbook and listen to this repeatedly. False Reading facts from a textbook is good- but try to be creative. Try creating rhymes and ensure clear intonation and punctuation. My audio tapes should not include music False Creating audio material with rhythm or musical background can be more memorable. Just think how well you remember the lyrics of songs.

7 Tips for creating auditory revision materials 1. Start early. Creating and listening to materials can be time consuming but the benefits are worth it. 2. Share. Find other auditory learners and duplicate tapes for each other. It shares the work load and prevents you getting bored of your own voice! 3. Sing. Try and put materials to music. Giving materials rhythm and rhyme can significantly improve memory recall. 4. Research. Don’t re-invent the wheel. There are already many materials you can access. You tube provides many musical resources designed to help you remember facts for example the following link to help you learn the formulae for circles: The Circle Song

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