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Use NMR to Screen Algae in High Efficiency Qian Zhou 1/8/10.

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Presentation on theme: "Use NMR to Screen Algae in High Efficiency Qian Zhou 1/8/10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use NMR to Screen Algae in High Efficiency Qian Zhou 1/8/10

2 Traditional way to screen algae Sampling in environment Culture algae in rich medium agar plate Select algae by colony characteristics and medium or other conditions Repeated inoculate the algae on to agar plate Get the single colony which was from a single algae Culture the algae and analyze the lipid, biomass, photosynthesis efficiency, etc.

3 Disadvanges: Time consuming Labor consuming Limited algae screening at the same time

4 What is NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a property that magnetic nuclei have in a magnetic field and applied electromagnetic (EM) pulse or pulses, which cause the nuclei to absorb energy from the EM pulse and radiate this energy back out. The energy radiated back out is at a specific resonance frequency which depends on the strength of the magnetic field and other factors. This allows the observation of specific quantum mechanical magnetic properties of an atomic nucleus.

5 Fig. Bruker Avance 1000

6 Why NMR? Can do the analysis work with a little sample Very fast and accurate Can get to know the content and structure of sample at the same time

7 How to make the screening work with high efficiency? Sort algaes with FACS Continuous culture Automated culturing and sampling Make the algae grow in a flow way, so the algae can be pumped into the NMR to be analyzed

8 Fig. Automated Photosynthesis Bioreactor Picutre from Ben

9 Plans Study how to manipulate the solid state NMR Set up the automated phototrophic algae culture and sampling system Focus on how to connect the algae culture system to NMR

10 Thanks for your attention

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