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Author information J.D Salinger  Raised in Manhattan, Salinger began writing short stories while in secondary school, and published several stories in.

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2 Author information J.D Salinger  Raised in Manhattan, Salinger began writing short stories while in secondary school, and published several stories in the early 1940s before serving in World War II.  He served in the army during World War II, saw action in D-Day, was among the first American soldiers to enter a liberated concentration camp, and interrogated prisoners of war as a counter-intelligence officer.  He returned from the war in 1946. After many rejections, Salinger published his first story with the New Yorker in 1948. He wrote almost exclusively for the New Yorker until 1965.  Salinger has been married three times. His first marriage to a young woman named Sylvia, who Salinger met in Europe, was brief. His second marriage to Claire Douglas, then a student at Dartmouth College, produced two children, a boy and a girl. After several failed relationships, Salinger finally married a nurse named Colleen 30 years his junior to whom he is still married.

3 Vocabulary Lousy: wretchedly bad the first thing you would probably want to know is where I was born, and what a lousy childhood was like (1) Terrific :extremely good; wonderful But you could hear them all yelling, deep and terrific on the pencey. side (2) Moron : a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment. And the I yelled at the top of my god dam voice, “sleep tight, ya morons (52) Incognito: having one's identity concealed, as under an assumed name Well, the thing is, I don’t want to stay at any hotels on the east side where I might run into some acquaint.(60)

4 The title means that the catcher which is Holden try's to save children who are playing in the field of rye from falling over the cliff. Summary: the story starts just before the school that Holden is going to closes for Christmas break. Holden gets kicked out of school. He cant tell about it to his parents and leave at the same day. He stays in the hotel in New York and wants to go home only when his parents will want him to. He meets a lot of new people and goes to clubs in two days. He gets an offer of a prostitute but he fails to have sex with her. Then he fights with the guy who offered him her. He takes his old girlfriend out to ice skating and tries to run away with her. Holden returns back home and he still feels he is not in the right place. His sister asks him one thing to be, the answer was he likes his dead brother Allie And he also says that he want to be the catcher that protects the children who are playing in the field of rye from falling from the edge of the cliff.

5 Theme The theme of the Catcher in the rye is about a guy who wanted to protect the innocent people because his brother was innocent and died because of leukemia. He also don’t want children to grow because they will lose their innocence.

6 Figurative language “it was cold as witches teat”. (simile) it is simile because it compares the weather to the witches teat. “It was icy as hell” (oxymoron) because it compares things that are opposite to each other. “Like when I first met him. When I first met him”. (repetition) because he is repeating words over and over. “it smelled like fifty million dead cigars” (hyperbole) its hyperbole because he is exaggerating the smell of cigars. “but I could never see eye to eye with him on a lot of stuff”.( idiom) Because one expression represents something else for example in this quote see eye to eye means get alone.

7 Characterization Ackely is Holden’s next door neighbor at his school. Holden describes him as a guy with poor hygiene. He eats his nails, pops his pimples at class, with really nasty teeth. he always goes to Holden’s room to disturb him. He is also a big liar who lies about his sexual experiences. which makes Holden feel sorry for him. They both have in common that their lonely and desperate. (pg 19, chapter 3)

8 Dog Pop One of Holden’s dog pop is when his brother Allie dead. He always talks about him. He gets depressed when he remember him. “he's dead now. He got leukemia and died when we were up in Maine,..... you'd have liked him. He was to years younger than I was, but he was about fifty times as intelligent”.(pg 38) The other Holden’s dog pop is when he flunked in four subjects and got kicked out of school. At the beginning of the story he keeps talking about he flunked in his classes and how worry he was, later on he forgot it and just live with it. “i forgot to tell you about it. They kicked me out. I wasn’t supposed to come back after Christmas vacation, on account of I was flunking four subjects and not applying my self and all”. (pg 4)

9 the ducks I think that the ducks represent Holden’s brother Allie. He cares about them because he doesn’t want to see them freezing and dying just like his brother dead. the red hunting hat The red hunting hat is one of the most realized symbols in the catcher in the rye. Its a symbol of Holden’s exceptional and individuality. The hat is eccentric and it shows that Holden wants to be than different than everyone. I think he wears it because it is red and that Remembers him of his brother's death. He also wears that hat when he is nervous and when he is afraid of something as a protection or shield.

10 When I get very depressed I keep saying to him, ok, go home and get your bikes and meet me in front of bobby’s house. Hurry up. I love this scene because it represents how much Holden misses he brother Allie. He thinks that Allie might have bad feelings that Holden didn’t let him come with him, and that’s why he is saying to him ok you can come. He feels so sorry because he didn’t let him go.


12 What I learned from the story catcher in the rye is that no matter what you should not forget things that you’ve past through in the past and you should always rely on yourself when you have problems because no one will help you except yourself.

13 Statement of value Luis: By reading this story I learned that in life not everything is pretty and easy and we have to learn how to deal with them. Unlike Holden that he started to smoke and drink at a young age to escape from our problems we have to fauce them and not get depressed like Holden did.

14 Fadi: one thing that I learned from the catcher in the rye story is how to deal with problems and how to care about other things that makes me successful in my life. I also learned to value things that should not be ignored in my life.

15 Favorite scene I like this passage because he says that he even misses the ones that he dint like, like the bully that he calls moron, and Ackley. Also because it is true because when I look back in the past I also remember the good times that I had, even some of the bad ones Luis “ Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody” Pg.214 Ch. 26

16 I Book review f I were a We recommend this book to other people to read this book because they can learn from personal experience of the characters. Life is something hidden that you learn something every day from different resources just like books. one thing that I would like to recommend to read this book is that they can a new methods to fix life problems and how to value things that should be valued and keep going in life and not giving up. We also recommend this book to 17 years or older because of its strong language and also has some sexual content.

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