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Science Skills Part 1-Observations I Can… I can take detailed observations using the 5 senses. I can describe the difference between a quantitative observation.

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2 Science Skills Part 1-Observations

3 I Can… I can take detailed observations using the 5 senses. I can describe the difference between a quantitative observation and a qualitative observation.

4 Science Skill: OBSERVING Observing means using one or more of your senses to gather information. Your senses include: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. In science, we never taste things unless we know EXACTLY what it is and whether it is safe. Observations can be either qualitative or quantitative.

5 QUAL QUALitative Observations Qualitative observations give a quality or property of the thing being observed. Usually adjectives like red, white, big, tall, girl, boy, quiet, or loud are qualitative. Example: –He is wearing a white jersey with a red #6 on the front, center. –He has his hand in the air in the shape of a fist. QUALitative Observations= QUALities

6 N QuaNtitative Observations Quantitative Quantitative data, describes an object numerically Quantitative observations are things you actually measure. Height, weight, number, etc... are all quantitative. Example: He is 6ft 3in tall. He weighs 225 lbs. QuaNtitative Observations = Numbers

7 Let’s Practice QUALitative –The insect is light green –The insect is shaped like a folded leaf –It has long, spindly legs QuaNtitative –The insect is 3 inches long. –It has 6 legs.

8 Adopt-a-Lime Activity 1.On the right hand side of your notebooks, create the following chart. 2.Then, fill in the chart with information about your lime. QuantitativeQualitative 1. 2. 3. 4.

9 Science Skills Part 2-Observations vs. Inferences

10 Science Skills continued I Can… I can describe the difference between an observation, inference, and prediction.

11 Science Skills: Inferences When you explain or interpret the things you observe, you are inferring or making an inference. Inferences are not always correct!! Observations are always facts---they must be true and correct. Inferences are not always true---they are educated guesses.

12 Science Skills: Predicting Predicting means making a forecast of what will happen in the future based on past experience or evidence. Predictions are a type of inference about the future.

13 CSI: Frederick Douglass  When Ms. B dismisses you to the crime scene, observe the scene carefully.  When you return to your seat, write a crime scene report that clearly describes your analysis of the scene.  You should base your report on at least 6 observations.  Underline all observations and put a circle around(highlight) all inferences.  Write your notes/observations in your notebook on the right hand side but turn this in on a separate sheet of paper for hw.

14 Science Skills: Making Models Making Models involves creating representations of complex objects or processes. (Careful: some information may be missing from a model)

15 Science Skills: Classifying Classifying is the process of grouping together items that are alike in some way. Classifying things helps you stay organized so you can easily find and use them later

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