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Integration of Metabolism in Energy, Protein and Lipids

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1 Integration of Metabolism in Energy, Protein and Lipids

2 Metabolism A term referring to all chemical reactions necessary to maintain life. Substances are constantly being broken down and built up. Catabolism: complex structures broken down into simpler ones (digestion) Anabolism: larger molecules are built from small ones (like AA’sproteins)

3 The Nutrient Pool Contains all organic building blocks cell needs:
to provide energy to create new cellular components 6 categories of nutrients Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Vitamins Minerals Water Lipids release 9.46 C/g Carbohydrates release 4.18 C/g Proteins release 4.32 C/g

4 Carbohydrates Dietary sources Predominately plants
Sugars – fruits, honey, milk, candy, soda Starch – grains, legumes, root veggies Cellulose – veggies

5 Carbohydrates, cont. Uses in the body
Glucose is a major fuel to make ATP Carbohydrate digestion yields fructose and galactose, liver converts them to glucose before circulation *when glucose is in excess, it is converted to glycogen or fat and stored for later use*

6 Lipids Dietary sources Saturated fats Unsaturated fats
Animal products (meat & dairy) & coconut, palm,etc. Unsaturated fats Seeds, nuts, most veggie oils Storage as triacylglycerol (TAG) in adipose tissues Glycogen (branched polymer α-D-glucose) found in Liver, MM. More TAG (give 9 kcal/g ) > glycogen in body strorage

7 Brown fat had a small molecule, more blood vessels, low ATP produced and make more EN than White fat (Birth animal) Wild animal had lean meat (low marbling) and more PUFA ( >30% total FA vs. 12% in domestic animal ) FUFA in wild ani. made unfavour meat from FUFA-phospholipids form.

8 Lipids, cont. Dietary fats help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins
triglycerides are the major EN source for liver cells & skeletal muscle Cholesterol is not used as an EN source. It is a precursor to bile salts, steroid Hormones, and other essential functional molecules Non ruminant fat intake and fat in body found in the same proportion (Unsat --> Unsat, Sat Sat) Ruminant always had biohydrogenation in rumen.

9 Glycogen & Lactic cycle ( Cori cycle)
Insulin moving glucose to glycogen (storage in liver, mm) Glucagon activate glycogenolysis for glucose in Liver, and Lactic in MM.

10 Proteins Dietary sources Primarily animal products (eggs, milk, meat)
Legumes, nuts, & cereals are nutritionally incomplete because they are low in one or more essential AA’s

11 Proteins, cont. Uses in the body Hormonal controls
Structural materials (collagen, elastin, keratin) Functional proteins (enzymes, hemoglobin, H’s) Hormonal controls Anabolic hormones accelerate protein synthesis i.e. growth hormone, sex hormones, adrenal glucocorticoids, etc.

12 Adequacy of caloric intake
Proteins, cont. Adequacy of caloric intake For protein synthesis you must have adequate intake of carb’s & fats for ATP production If not…dietary & tissue proteins are used for En

13 Energy Yield of Aerobic Metabolism
For 1 glucose molecule processed, cell gains 36 molecules of ATP: 2 from glycolysis 4 from NADH generated in glycolysis 2 from TCA cycle (through GTP) 28 from ETS

14 Carbohydrate Synthesis and Breakdown
Gluconeogenesis - the synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors: lactic acid, glycerol, & AA’s Stores glucose as glycogen in liver and skeletal muscle Glycogenesis - the formation of glycogen from glucose Glycogenolysis - Is the breakdown of glycogen to glucose Figure 25–7

15 Lipolysis Breaks lipids down into pieces that can be converted to pyruvic acid & channeled directly into TCA cycle Hydrolysis splits triglyceride into component parts: 1 molecule of glycerol & 3 fatty acid molecules Different enzymes convert fatty acids to acetyl- CoA (beta-oxidation)

16 Fat & Glucose in Non Ruminant

17 Fat & Glucose in Ruminant

18 3 Energy Benefits of Beta-Oxidation
For each 2-carbon fragment removed from fatty acid, cell gains: 12 ATP from acetyl-CoA in TCA cycle 5 ATP from NADH Cell can gain 144 ATP molecules from breakdown of one 18-carbon fatty acid molecule 3. Fatty acid breakdown yields about 1.5 times the energy of glucose breakdown

19 Free Fatty Acids (FFAs)
Are lipids that can diffuse easily across cell membranes In blood, are generally bound to albumin (most abundant plasma protein) Are an important energy source: during periods of starvation when glucose supplies are limited Liver cells, cardiac muscle cells, skeletal muscle fibers, etc. metabolize free fatty acids

20 Proteins The body synthesizes 100,000 to 140,000 proteins:
each with different form, function, and structure All proteins are built from the 20 amino acids

21 Protein Metabolism Cellular proteins are recycled in cytosol:
peptide bonds are broken free amino acids are used in new proteins If other energy sources are inadequate: mitochondria generate ATP by breaking down amino acids in TCA cycle Not all amino acids enter cycle at same point, so ATP benefits vary


23 3 Factors Against Protein Catabolism
Proteins are more difficult to break apart than complex carbohydrates or lipids A by-product, ammonium ion, is toxic to cells Proteins form the most important structural and functional components of cells

24 Protein Synthesis The body synthesizes half of the amino acids needed to build proteins (Nonessential AA’s) amino acids made by the body on demand 10 essential AA’s: 8 not synthesized: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, valine, and methionine 2 insufficiently synthesized: arginine and histidine

25 Summary: Pathways of Catabolism and Anabolism
Figure 25–12

26 Metabolic Interactions
Body has 2 patterns of daily metabolic activity: absorptive state postabsorptive state

27 The Absorptive State Is the period following a meal when nutrient absorption most excess metabolites will be converted to fat for storage if not used in anabolism carbs-->liver to covert to glu-->released to blood or makes & stores glycogen & makes fat to release to blood for storage by adipocytes triglycerides-->FA’s + glycerol-->sk mm, liver cells, & adipocytes use FA’s as primary E source-->most FA’s & glycerol re-enter adipose tissue & reconvert to triglycerides for storage AA’s-->some to liver for deamination to keto acids-->Kreb’s for ATP formation or conversion to liver fat stores; liver uses some AAs for plasma protein synthesis but most go into general circulation for uptake by other body cells to use for anabolism

28 The Postabsorptive State
When nutrient absorption is not under way (fasting state) Primarily catabolic to maintain blood glucose levels w/in normal range b/t meals glycogenolysis in liver can maintain blood glu levels for ~ 4 hrs glycogenolysis in skeletal mm - glucose cannot be released to blood as w/liver (lacks all necessary enzymes) but…partial oxidation to pyruvic acid (or lactic acid) occurs-->goes to liver for conversion back to glucose & is released to blood lipolysis in adipose tissue & liver -->leads to glycerol-->liver converts to glucose & releases to the blood catabolism of cellular protein - primary source of blood glucose w/fasting (glycogen stores are depleted)-->AAs are deaminated & coverted to glucose in liver & are released to blood

29 Glucose for Energy enzymes break apart glucose – yielding energy
inadequate supply of carbohydrates ketone bodies (fat fragments) are an alternate energy source during starvation excess ketones can lead to ketosis: imbalance of acids in body

30 Protein Metabolism protein turnover
constant making and breaking of proteins frees amino acids to “amino acid pool” can be used to make body proteins nonessential amino acids can be made from other amino acids

31 amino acid pool Excreat of nitrogens and made available for energy
deamination make fat amino acids are deaminated, nitrogen is excreted, carbon is converted to fat and stored protein-rich foods can cause weight gain

32 Feasting and Fasting

33 Feasting and Fasting

34 Fasting several hours after a meal, glucose is used up
protein is used for energy shift to ketosis suppresses appetite hormones slow metabolism eventually starvation

35 Regulatory Hormones on Metabolism
Table 25–1

36 Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Is the minimum resting energy expenditure: Involves monitoring respiratory activity Energy utilization is proportional to oxygen consumption

37 Hormonal Effects Thyroxine: Cholecystokinin (CCK):
controls overall metabolism Cholecystokinin (CCK): suppresses appetite Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH): Leptin: released by adipose tissues binds to CNS neurons that suppress appetite

38 Heat Production BMR estimates rate of energy use
Energy not captured is released as heat: serves important homeostatic purpose

39 Thermoregulation The body produces heat as by-product of metabolism
Increased physical or metabolic activity generates more heat Body controls heat gains and losses to maintain homeostasis


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