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B ODY C OMPOSITION Mr. Vecchio Health 2013. B ODY C OMPOSITION Relative % of body fat to lean body tissue No single weight for every person Rationale-

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1 B ODY C OMPOSITION Mr. Vecchio Health 2013

2 B ODY C OMPOSITION Relative % of body fat to lean body tissue No single weight for every person Rationale- threshold level of body fatness above which health risks increase Body Weight = not a good predictor of body fat (lean mass variations) Men 25% and below Women 32% and below


4 I NFLUENCES ON B ODY C OMPOSITION Calorie Intake - calories taken in - calories expended Metabolism - resting metabolic rate Heredity - Inherited from parents (easier/harder to lose weight) Physical Activity - Increases metabolism during/after

5 E VALUATING B ODY C OMPOSITION Skin Fold Measurements- subcutaneous fat at 8 sites (tester skill) BIA (hydration) Circumferential Measurements (simple) BMI (groups) Hydrostatic Weighing Hydrostatic Weighing (most valid)

6 M AKING C HANGES Exercise (cardio burns fat, resistance builds lean muscle) Diet (Balanced) 1-2 lbs per week gain/loss is healthy non-water weight

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