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Presentation on theme: "Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting

2 Objectives of the session
You will understand the importance of the meetings in the business world. You will learn meeting etiquettes. You will be able to run a successful meeting. You will be able to use meeting technologies.

3 What is a Meeting ? An occasion when people come together to discuss or decide something. A situation in which two or more people meet together, because they have arranged it or by chance. (Oxford Advance Dictionary )

4 Meeting Etiquettes Hand Shake Etiquettes How to Introduce Yourself
Dinning Etiquettes Misuse of mobile Dress professionally Keep important accessories with you Do not place your hands on your lap Do not try to cross your legs Focus on the speaker by giving positive gesture

5 Steps Conducting Meeting
Preparation of meeting Conducting a meeting Follow-up to meeting

6 Preparing For the Meeting
Careful preparation will save you from two meeting mistakes : Holding a meeting when a memo or other message would do the job Holding meeting without specific goal in mind Decide the purpose of the meeting Select the participants for the meeting Choose the time and the facility Set the agenda

7 What is an agenda letter ?

8 Why is an agenda important?
Prepares chairman Prepares attendees Creates an interest Clearly defines objectives

9 Arrangement of Room Boardroom meeting U table Round table





14 Preparation before leading /attending a meeting
Collect ballot results Review correspondence Review minutes and action items from previous meeting Contact attendees Prepare agenda prepare Stationary on venue Audio video aids on Venue

15 Conducting Meeting

16 Leading and Participating in Meeting
Keep on track. Encourage Participation Participate Actively Close Effectively

17 Keep on the track

18 Encourage Participation


20 Participate Actively Questionnaire technique should be adopted to participate actively in the meeting The open question The close question The probe question An appropriate, eye contact , body language and gesture should be maintained during the meeting










30 Closing of the meeting State conclusions reached Summarize assignments
Give staff manager next meeting requirements

31 After the meeting Send hard copy of minutes of meeting as soon as possible after the meeting Send electronic version of minutes to all attendees

32 Using Meeting Technology
Instant Messaging Video Conferences Telephonic meeting writing

33 Drawbacks Security Issue technological barriers Typing abilities
Constant Interruption Accidental mixing of personal messages Less Focus Privacy focus

34 Tips for making Instant message more efficient and effective
Make yourself available when you are free If you are not secure on the system, do not send confidential information Be extremely careful about sending personal messages Do not use IM for important meetings Do not use for complex and long meetings Try to avoid carrying on multiple IM conversations Do not use Slang messages

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