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Khadezha Rice.  Rickets is a vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate deficiency that affects the bones so they become weak.

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Presentation on theme: "Khadezha Rice.  Rickets is a vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate deficiency that affects the bones so they become weak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Khadezha Rice

2  Rickets is a vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate deficiency that affects the bones so they become weak

3  There will be bone pain in your legs, pelvis, spine, and in the arms  Your teeth will also be affected like getting cavities and delayed formation of the teeth  A person with rickets may be shorter than most people because their growth is delayed  Spine deformities  Muscle cramps

4  Blood can be drawn to see if you lack serum calcium which is just calcium  An x-ray of the bones can be taken  And a urine test to test the calcium level in your body

5  A person could have problems with absorption so then the body will not be able to absorb Vitamin D therefore you will lack it.  Nutritional, renal, and hypophosphatemic rickets are the main causes of rickets  It can be inherited through a parent, if a baby is born prematurely, has kidney diesease, or doesn’t spend that much time outside

6  Rickets is mostly found in children 6-24 months  30% of children have it  Commonly found in African Americans, females, Mexican-Americans, & obese children

7  Take supplements to replace the lack of calcium, phosphate, or vitamin D  Go out side in the sun everyday for about 20 minutes  Use braces to prevent or fix the bone deformities  If severe deformities occur then surgery could be needed  These treatments reduce the symptoms & fix the cause

8  Rickets was found in the second century  Active Vitamin D is found in skin cells  Some bone deformities can be permanent if they are severe

9  /PMH0001384/ /PMH0001384/  DS00813 DS00813  e.htm e.htm  7/seven-out-ten-us-children-lack-enough- vitamin-d.html 7/seven-out-ten-us-children-lack-enough- vitamin-d.html  tml tml

10  Pictures  content/uploads/2012/05/Rickets-1.jpg content/uploads/2012/05/Rickets-1.jpg  hypophosphatemic-12993_3.jpg hypophosphatemic-12993_3.jpg

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