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Perspective Drawing Professor Frink’s Guide to. Frink’s Perspective Terms: oHorizon line – the line where the land meets the sky as seen by the observer.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspective Drawing Professor Frink’s Guide to. Frink’s Perspective Terms: oHorizon line – the line where the land meets the sky as seen by the observer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspective Drawing Professor Frink’s Guide to

2 Frink’s Perspective Terms: oHorizon line – the line where the land meets the sky as seen by the observer. It’s always at eye level

3 oVanishing point- the point at which all imaginary lines of perspective meet.

4 oConvergence lines- lines which make up the sides of an object in perspective and relate directly back to the vanishing point. Lines that move away from the viewer These are also known as Orthogonal Lines

5 Horizontal lines – Parallel to the horizon ________ Vertical lines- Situated at right angles to the horizon; upright.

6 Masaccio. Tribute Money Brancacci Chapel, Church of Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence 1427 -This is one of the first uses of linear perspective in painting

7 Leonardo da Vinci. The Last Supper Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan, late 15th

8 Pietro Perugino. The giving of the keys to Saint Peter, 1482

9 How to find the vanishing point in an image


11 Trompe l’oeil- Fool the eye, an optical illusion of space that makes something 2-D appear to be 3D Julian Beever is a contemporary artist who creates incredible chalk drawings on sidewalks that “fool the eye”

12 Kurt Wenner is another artist who uses trompe l’oeil, giving the pavement the illusion of space and distance

13 One point perspective = one vanishing point




17 Two Point Perspective = two vanishing points





22 Draw your lines lightly. It will be easier to erase the ones you don’t need. You can go over the ones you want to keep later. Be sure to keep all vertical and horizontal lines perpendicular and parallel Frink’s drawing tips!

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