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Endometriosis in Adolescents

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1 Endometriosis in Adolescents
ACOG Committee Opinion Number 310 Endometriosis in Adolescents VOL. 105, NO. 4, APRIL 2005 OBGY R1 LEE EUN SUK

2 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Abstract Historically thought of as a disease that affects adults women, endometriosis increasing is being diagnosed in the adolescents population This disorder, which was originally described more than a century ago, still represents a vague and perplexing entity that frequently results in chronic pelvic pain, adhesive disease, and infertility The purpose of this Committee Opinion is to highlight the differences in adolescent and adult types of endometriosis Early diagnosis and treatment during adolescence may decrease disease progression and prevent subsequent infertility

3 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Incidence Goldstein et al : 47% prevalence of endometriosis in adolescent females with pelvic pain 50-70% of adolescents with pelvic pain not responding to combination hormone therapy and NSAIDs have endomeriosis Endometriosis has been identified in premenarcheal girls who have started puberty and have some breast development

4 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Theory of endometriosis Ectopic transplantation of endometrial tissue Endometriosis caused by the seeding or implantation of endometrial cells by transtubal regurgitation during menstruation Coelomic metaplasia Transformation (metaplasia) of coelomic epithelium into endometrial tissue Induction theory Extension of the coelomic metaplasia theory Endogenous (undefined) biochemical factor → undifferentiated peritoneal cells to develop into endometrial tissue

5 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Incidence 66% of adults women reported the onset of pelvic symptoms before age 20 years As the age of the onset of symptoms decreases, the number of doctors reaching a diagnosis increases With early diagnosis and treatment, it is hoped that disease progression and infertility can be limited

6 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Presentation and Characteristics Adolescents primarily seek medical attention because of pain rather than a concern for infertility Common symptoms Progressive dysmenorrhea (64-94%) Acyclic pain (36-91%) Dyspareunia (2-46%) Gastrointestinal complaints (2-46%)

7 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Diagnosis History and Physical examination → Differential diagnosis of pelvic pain Appendicitis Pelvic inflammatory disease Mullerian anomalies or outflow obstruction Bowel disease Hernia Musculoskeletal disorder Psychosocial complaints

8 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Diagnosis Pelvic examination may be difficult, especially in patients who have not had vaginal intercourse Rectal –abdominal examination in the dorsal lithotomy position may be helpful to determine if a pelvic mass is present Cotton-tipped swab to evaluate for the presence of transverse vaginal septum, or agenesis of the lower vagina Ultrasound examination is helpful in evaluation the pelvis of young adolescents who declines a bimanual or rectal-abdominal exam

9 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Diagnosis Imaging studies and serum markers Ultrasonography & magnetic resonance imaging → Evaluate anatomical structures CA125 → very sensitive but not specific

10 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Empiric therapy Younger than 18 years → Combination hormone therapy and NSAIDs Older than 18 years → Empiric trial of GnRH agonist therapy For patients younger than 18 years because of the effects of GnRH agonist medications on bone formation & long-term bone density or who decline empiric therapy → Diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy


12 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Surgical diagnosis After a comprehensive preoperative evaluation and trial of combination hormone therapy and NSAIDs → Diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy Laparoscopic findings Inspection and palpation with a blunt probe of the bowel, bladder, uterus, tubes, ovaries, cul-de-sac, and broad ligament Typical lesions of endometriosis in adolescents : Red, clear, or white as opposed to the powder-burn lesion seen commonly in adults Histologic confirmation of the laparoscopic impression is essential for the diagnosis of endometriosis

13 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Mullerian Anomalies and Endometriosis Incidence of anomalies of the reproductive system Most studies quote the rate of 5-6% Clinical outcome in patients with outflow tract obstructions differ from those without such obstructions Because regression of disease usually has been observed once surgical correction of the anomaly has been accomplished

14 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Treatment Surgery, hormonal manipulation, pain medications, mental health support, complementary and alternative therapies, and education For patients younger than 18 years with persistent pelvic pain Combination hormone therapy & laparoscopic procedure Only procedures that preserve fertility options should be applied After surgery adolescents should be treated with medical therapy until childbearing The goal of therapy Suppression of pain Suppression of disease progression Preservation of fertility

15 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Treatment First-line treatment modalities → NSAID & hormone therapy Continuous combination hormone therapy OCPs, combinations hormonal contraceptive patch, or vaginal ring for menstrual suppression Oral contraceptives Low dose monophasic combination contraceptives (one pill per day for 6 to 12 months) to induce 'pseudopregnancy' caused by the resultant amenorrhea & decidualization of endometrial tissue

16 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Treatment Progestins Antiendometriotic effect by causing initial decidualization of endometrial tissue followed by atrophy Medroxyprogesterone acetate starting at a dose of 30mg/day Increasing the dose based on the clinical response & bleeding patterns Side effect : nausea, weight gain, fluid retention, breakthrough bleeding due to hypoestrogenemia

17 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Treatment Danazol ( Androgenic & antiestrogenic agents) Suppression of GnRH or gonadotropin secretion Direct inhibition of steroidogenesis Direct antagonistic and agonistic interaction with endometrial androgen & progesterone receptors Dose : absence of menstruation is a better indicator of response than drug dose start with 400mg daily (200mg twice a day) & increase the dose to achieve amenorrhea and relieve symptoms Side effect : weight gain, fluid retention, acne, oily skin, hirsuitism, hot flashes, atrophic vaginitis, reduced breast size, reduced libido, fatigue, nausea, muscle cramps, emotional instability

18 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Treatment GnRH agonists Hypoestrogenic state by down-regulating hypothalamic-pituitary axis Cause a loss of pituitary receptors & downregulation of GnRH activity, resulting in low FSH & LH level → pseudomenopause Limited to 6 months because of resultant profound hypoestrogenic state & subsequent effect on bone mineralization Side effect : hot flashes, vaginal dryness, ↓libido, osteoporosis (add-back regimen)

19 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Treatment GnRH agonists Add-back therapy Norethindrone acetate (15mg per day) or conjugated estrogens/ medroxyprogesterone acetate (0.625/2.5mg per day) to reduce bone loss related to a hypoestrogenic state → Preserve bone density

20 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Surgery for the management of endometriosis-related pain Important option for adolescents, but clearly, radical procedures (oophorectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, or hysterectomy) should be avoided in this age group In patients with severe endometriosis Surgical treatment be preceded by a 3 month course of medical treatment to reduce vascularization and nodular size Postoperative hormone replacement with estrogen & progesterone Required after bilateral oophorectomy The risk of renewed growth of residual endometriosis → Hormonal replacement therapy withheld until 3months after surgery

21 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Summary Adolescent patients typically present with progressive and severe dysmenorrhea, but also may present with acyclic pelvic pain Standard therapy (combination hormone therapy and NSAIDs) for dysmenorrhea should be initiated, if symptoms do not resolve after 3 months further evaluation for endometriosis is indicated A bimanual pelvic examination may be difficult : cotton-tipped swab to evaluate for the presence of transverse vaginal septum, or agenesis of the lower vagina : ultrasound exam in evaluation the pelvis of adolescents Endometriosis in adolescents typically presents as early disease & clear, red, and white lesions are the most common

22 Endometriosis in Adolescents
Summary Treatment should focus on conservative measures with surgical & medical interventions Only procedures that preserve fertility options be applied Because there is no cure for endometriosis, long-term treatment should continue until desired family size is reached or fertility no longer needs to be preserved

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