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Continents and Oceans. Continents and Oceans The Seven Continents A continent is a large land mass surrounded by water. Europe is still considered.

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2 Continents and Oceans

3 The Seven Continents A continent is a large land mass surrounded by water. Europe is still considered a continent even though it is NOT completely surrounded by water.

4 The Seven Continents North America South America Antarctica Africa
Europe Asia Australia *The land mass from the Atlantic to the Pacific is sometimes called Eurasia. 6 5 1 4 2 7 3

5 The Five Oceans The oceans are large bodies of salt water that surround continents. There is also a Southern ocean that is located around Antarctica and below the 60 degree S line of latitude.

6 Oceans Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean
Southern Ocean D A B A C E

7 Alternate View?

8 Let’s Review!

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