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DynaMed Plus Tutorial DynaMed Plus™ is the clinical reference tool that physicians go to for answers to clinical questions. Content.

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Presentation on theme: "DynaMed Plus Tutorial DynaMed Plus™ is the clinical reference tool that physicians go to for answers to clinical questions. Content."— Presentation transcript:

1 DynaMed Plus Tutorial

2 DynaMed Plus™ is the clinical reference tool that physicians go to for answers to clinical questions. Content is written by a world-class team of physicians and researchers who synthesize the evidence and provide objective analysis. In this tutorial, we look at how to search DynaMed Plus as well as viewing Topics and Recent Updates.

3 Begin entering your search terms in the search box. As you type, DynaMed Plus displays topics and searches matching your terms. Select a DynaMed Plus topic in the Go To section to go directly to the topic or select a search term under Search For to view a result list. Or click the Search button at any time to view a result list.

4 When a DynaMed Plus topic is an exact match for your search terms, it is displayed at the top of the result list. You can click a hyperlinked heading to go directly to that section of the topic.

5 Use the links at the top to view all results, or all images and calculators related to your search terms. The most relevant images and calculators are displayed with all results.

6 When viewing a DynaMed Plus topic, the latest updates to the information can be viewed by clicking the Plus sign [+] at the top. Click the View Update link to view more details about the updated content.

7 You can search within the text of a topic by entering a term in the Search Within Text field and clicking the magnifying glass. All instances of your term available in the topic are highlighted in yellow. Click the X to close the search feature and remove the highlights.

8 To view the individual sections within the record, click the desired section in the column on the left. In this example, we will click Treatment.

9 All treatment information and subsections are displayed. To collapse the Treatment sections, click Treatment again. When navigating a condition or drug summary, the section you are reading is noted at the top of the summary

10 Click Follow, enter your email address, and select an alert frequency to be notified when a DynaMed Plus topic has been updated.

11 Click Print and mark the check boxes the sections of the topic you would like to print. Your selected content is displayed in a new window with your browser’s Print dialog box.

12 If enabled by your administrator, you can receive Continuing Medical Education Credit for your search. Click CME, fill out the form in the resulting browser window or tab, and click Submit.

13 DynaMed Plus topics are updated daily. The most recent updates can be viewed on the home screen. Click a Topic link to view an updated topic. Click the View All link to view all updates to DynaMed Plus content.

14 To filter updates by specialty area, click the Limit by Category drop-down menu and select a specialty.

15 You can limit Recent Updates to those that are flagged as practice changing by clicking the Practice Changing Updates Only check box. Practice-changing updates are articles added to DynaMed Plus which may lead a clinician to change practice patterns or medical decisions. Click Follow to create an alert to be notified when all topics change or when specific topics within a category change.

16 DynaMed Plus is also available as a mobile app for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Click the Mobile Use link to email yourself an authentication key and follow the instructions in the email to download and install the app.

17 Click the Feedback link to send feedback to the DynaMed Plus editorial team. You can send general comments and questions, as well as comments associated with a specific DynaMed Plus topic.

18 At any time, you can click on the Help link to view the complete online Help system.

19 For more information, visit the EBSCO Support Site at http://support.ebsco.com

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