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Presentation on theme: "AVOID THE ‘ACCIDENTAL INTERIM’ EXECUTIVE TRANSITION."— Presentation transcript:


2 SEEK CONFERENCE September 22, 2015 Presented by: Marina Keers Executive Director Hendricks County Senior Services

3 OBJECTIVES To reduce feelings of isolation for new Executive Directors. To increase the confidence of new Executive Directors. To help retirement-ready Directors and Board Members plan for success.

4 OVERVIEW I. The reality faced by a new Executive Director II. Why does failure happen? III. Planning for success

5 REALITY Average Executive Director tenure is 18 months. Average Fortune 500 Manager tenure is 4 years. The failure rate for new leaders who enter an organization from the outside is 40-50%.

6 REALITY New Executive Directors must often overcome the: Lack of transparency. Lack of trust. Lack of support. Lack of a succession plan.

7 WHY DOES FAILURE HAPPEN? Misdiagnosis of the current position: 1. Start up 2. Turnaround 3. Realignment 4. Sustaining success

8 WHY DOES FAILURE HAPPEN? Inability to build partnerships or coalitions OR Internal/external hostilities Distrust from staff or a slighted internal candidate External hostility Internal hostility from clients and members Political pressure ED isn’t able to form a professional network of support

9 WHY DOES FAILURE HAPPEN? Challenges of the ED and BOD: Executive Director (vicious cycles that compound challenges) Board of Directors (fear, distrust, confusion, misplaced loyalty, misunderstood board roles ─ care, loyalty, obedience)

10 DISCUSSION QUESTION Tell your neighbor: How do you diagnose the current position of your agency/Center? How does that impact your decisions?

11 PLANNING FOR SUCCESS What the board should be doing today: Evaluate your Executive Director based upon a current job description. Work within a strong strategic plan. Build a strong, effective BOD (appropriate roles/responsibilities and fiduciary control). Plan meaningful ways to honor and say goodbye to the former Executive Director.

12 PLANNING FOR SUCCESS What an exiting ED should be doing: Document the day-to-day “stuff” (passwords, grant contacts, human resource decisions). Share information with staff and board. Prepare the team to understand change is inevitable and okay. Document! Document! Document! Plan to occupy your time with things you enjoy.

13 DISCUSSION QUESTION Tell your neighbor: How are you preparing for your successor success? OR What did your successor do that you appreciated the most?

14 PLANNING FOR SUCCESS What a new Executive Director should be doing: Accept that you won’t always like your new job and that you new job isn’t what you thought it would be. Accept that your staff believes you are fully trained/informed and up to speed after three months. Recognize that they will stop telling you important information unless you ask for it.

15 PLANNING FOR SUCCESS What a new Executive Director should be doing: Understand the Principle of the Breakeven Point. Create “virtuous cycles” and avoid getting caught in vicious cycles that damage credibility: 1. Confront bad behavior. 2. Build rapport with your BOD. 3. Don’t let your staff or BOD undermine your leadership. 4. Clearly define roles and reality. 5. Don’t retreat to your strengths.

16 PLANNING FOR SUCCESS What a new Executive Director should be doing: Remember: The leader is killed from below! Accept that senior serving agencies are all engaged in a turnaround or realignment. The demographic changes are too dramatic in our field to hope for sustaining success.

17 DISCUSSION QUESTION Tell your neighbor: What was the best decision you made between days 1-90? Looking back, what would you do differently?

18 CONTACT I would love to hear about your successes and challenges! Marina Keers, MPA 317-694-0499 Thank you!


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