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European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring All partners have contributed to Year-3 work All deliverables submitted except for M36.

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Presentation on theme: "European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring All partners have contributed to Year-3 work All deliverables submitted except for M36."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring All partners have contributed to Year-3 work All deliverables submitted except for M36 deliverables (see Friday) Increased flow of data and information between WPs Draft scientific report distributed on 12 April will be updated based on comments received during this meeting, and comments provided by the reviewer and project officer Review meeting integrated again in current GA4 meeting Electronic financial reports to be submitted before 28 April (see Friday) WP4 – Management, co-ordination and sustainability

2 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring Data policy issues related to the basic input data for the project remain a risk because fewer input data results in lower quality EURO4M products This applies to the in situ based gridded products, but also to the reanalyses, the high resolution analyses and the downstream CIBs WP4 – Potential Risk

3 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring Besides the website, video podcasts, CIBs, data portals and many scientific papers and presentations, the following general project presentations have been held in Yr 3: WCRP Int. Conference on Reanalysis (Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, May 2012), EarthTemp Network meeting (Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2012), WMO Lunchtime Forum (Geneva, Switzerland, July 2012), EU-Workshop on ECVs data exchange and information issues in FP7 projects (Brussels, Belgium, September 2012), CM-SAF Seminar (Offenbach, Germany, October 2012), 5th ACRE Workshop (Toulouse, France, November 2012), GCOS Workshop on Observations for Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change (Offenbach, Germany, February 2013), Int. Workshop on Climate Data Requirements and Applications (Nanjing, China, March 2013), First European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (Hamburg, Germany, March 2013), High-level Meeting on National Drought Policy (Geneva, Switzerland, March 2013), EUMETNET Expert Team Climate (De Bilt, Netherlands, April 2013), Monitoring Matters EEA (Kopenhagen, Denmark, April 2013) Article about EURO4M in the European policy magazine Pan European Networks: Science & Technology (number 6, pages 74-75) WP4 – Outreach

4 European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring Reanalysis session (jointly with ERA-CLIM) at EMS/ECAM, Reading, UK, 9-13 September 2013 Final GA before 1 April 2014 (jointly with UERRA kick-off meeting ?) Special session (final EURO4M conference) at EGU in 2014 6th ACRE workshop, Portugal, 2013 ? Policy brief in Brussels ? WP4 – Plans

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