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Supporting Leicestershire Families: Leicestershire definition and locality breakdown.

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1 Supporting Leicestershire Families: Leicestershire definition and locality breakdown

2 Mother has mental health problems No parent in the family is working Family lives in poor-quality or overcrowded housing No parent has any qualifications At least one parent has a long-standing limiting illness, disability or infirmity Family cannot afford a number of food and clothing items Family has low income (below 60% of the median) Poor parenting Truancy, exclusion or low educational attainment Family in debt Drugs or alcohol misuse Marriage, relationship or family breakdown Domestic violence Child protection issues Risk factors attributed to families with 5 or more disadvantages (from) Families At Risk: Background on families with multiple disadvantages, Social Exclusion Taskforce Research Report, 2007 Additional risk factors from families supported through family intervention (NatCen, Mar 2010). Child Behavioural Problems Child Substance abuse problems Teenage Parent(s) NEET Child is a carer Limited support network Adult with learning difficultiesCommunications problems Involvement in crime/ASB Family Risk Factors 2

3 Local definition for Leics most complex families  Out of 23 potential risks/issues – More than 5 risks/issues = Troubled Family – Any family with an open Child Protection Plan not in the above = Troubled Family – Add to this any family not in the above but has 2 or more of:- Alcohol Misuse Drugs Misuse Violence or abuse Crime/ASB Mental Health 3 Any family presenting 2-4 risks not in the TF category = a At Risk Family e.g. at risk of becoming Troubled

4 Sources of Family Data  Children’s Social Care – Framework i  CAF – CAF Access database  Free School Meals - CAPITA One  Unauthorised absences from school – CAPITA One  Exclusions – CAPITA One  Family Intervention Projects – Manual return from FIP Records/Key Worker knowledge  Children's Centres Manual return from Outreach Worker knowledge  Pupil Referral Units – CAPITA One  Attendance Improvement Service – CAPITA One  Statements of Educational Needs – CAPITA One  Probation Service – manual trawl through casework files  YOS/YISP - RAISE  District Councils – manual returns from Community Safety  Children’s Centres – manual returns from non- CYPS staff 4 12500+ households known across these datasets

5 Of 1300 most complex families…  50% are reported to be involved in ASB/crime  25% are proven youth offenders  57% solely or heavily reliant upon state benefits  75% of families in receipt of some benefit  26% are in receipt of Free School Meals  96% have some family dysfunction risk:  66% of families affected by violence and/or abuse in the home  64% have educational risks:  25% have at least one child with >15% unauthorised absence from school  13% have had at least one exclusion in 2011  Only 5% have a child with a Statement of Educational Needs but TFs account for 14% of SENs with BESD/ASD  50% of households have some form of mental health problem  33% have drug misuse problems  28% have alcohol misuse problems  36% of families have a limiting physical health condition 5

6 Leicestershire’s most complex families Profile: 1300 6 1 in 2 families involved in crime / ASB 57% solely or heavily reliant upon state benefits 75% actually in receipt of benefits 96% have at least one family dysfunction risk DV, Behaviour, Poor Parenting, Safeguarding, unstable relationships etc 64% have educational risks truancy, >15%, SEN, exclusions, class behaviour, PRU 49% of households have some form of mental health problem Rises to 81% with Alcohol & Drug misuse 36% of families have a physical health condition

7 Leicestershire’s 1300 most complex families make up… 7 77% of Domestic Violence Casework Sourced from pilot work Summer 2010 48% of Attendance Improvement Service cases 100% of Probation Casework where probationer is a parent 79% of Youth Offending Service Casework 70% of families assessed by children’s social care are either TF or Threshold (Initial or Core) 96% of CAF Cases TF (69% of casework) Threshold (27% of casework)

8 8 Leicestershire’s most complex families – c1300

9 9 Count of Leicestershire’s most complex and threshold families – c3,300

10 Threshold and most complex families by postcode N.B. Each point may represent more than one family

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