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Osama Abumansoor and Azzedine Boukerche Department of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,

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Presentation on theme: "Osama Abumansoor and Azzedine Boukerche Department of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Osama Abumansoor and Azzedine Boukerche Department of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, TVT 2012 Wireless & Mobile Network Laboratory (WMNL.) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tamkang University

2 Page: 2 WMNL Introduction Multi-Hop Location Verification Protocol (MHLVP) Performance EvaluationConclusion

3 Page: 3 WMNL Vehicular networks (VANETs) are experiencing rapid growth and evolution under the increasing demand of vehicular traffic management, driving safety, and comfort of drivers.

4 Page: 4 WMNL Many of these applications require knowledge of neighboring vehicles’ location specifications.

5 Page: 5 WMNL Improving and maintaining drivers’ neighborhood awareness are important in VANETs.

6 Page: 6 WMNL NLOS and false location can compromise and disturb the applications’ functionality and may increase the chances of road accidents. V (Acture)V’(Announced) Obstacle

7 Page: 7 WMNL NLOS and false location can compromise and disturb the applications’ functionality and may increase the chances of road accidents. ! !

8 Page: 8 WMNL Proposes a novel location verification protocol among cooperative neighboring vehicles for VANETs –Verifies a vehicle’s announced location. –Overcome an NLOS condition. –Increase the vehicles’ rate of neighborhood awareness –Providing reliable position information for upper level applications.

9 Page: 9 WMNL

10 Page: 10 WMNL Each vehicle is equipped with –GPS –Communication device –Capability for measuring the RSS

11 Page: 11 WMNL Location Verification NLOS Condition False location

12 Page: 12 WMNL Location Verification NLOS Condition False location A B (XA,YA)(XA,YA) (Acture) d AB (RSS) d AB (Coordinate) B’(XB,YB)(XB,YB) (Announced) d AB (RSS) d AB (Coordinate)

13 Page: 13 WMNL d AB (RSS) d AB (Coordinate) d AB (RSS) d AB (Coordinate) C(X C,Y C ) Location Verification NLOS Condition False location A B (XA,YA)(XA,YA) (Acture) d AB (RSS) d AB (Coordinate) B’(XB,YB)(XB,YB) (Announced) Obstacle A(XA,YA)(XA,YA) B(XB,YB)(XB,YB) d BC (RSS) d AC (RSS) θ d AB (RSS)

14 Page: 14 WMNL A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB) C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) Neighbor Table IDLocaionMobility VectorTime Stamp A’s Neighbor Table B(X B,Y B )MBMB TBTB C(X C,Y C )MCMC TCTC D(X D,Y D )MDMD TDTD B’s Neighbor Table A(X A,Y A )MAMA TATA C(X C,Y C )MCMC TCTC D(X D,Y D )MDMD TDTD C’s Neighbor Table A(X A,Y A )MAMA TATA B(X B,Y B )MBMB TBTB D(X D,Y D )MDMD TDTD D’s Neighbor Table A(X A,Y A )MAMA TATA B(X B,Y B )MBMB TBTB C(X C,Y C )MCMC TCTC Maintain the neighbors’ information

15 Page: 15 WMNL A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB) C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) Neighbor Table IDLocaionMobility VectorTime Stamp A’s Neighbor Table B(X B,Y B )MBMB TBTB C(X C,Y C )MCMC TCTC D(X D,Y D )MDMD TDTD B’s Neighbor Table A(X A,Y A )MAMA TATA C(X C,Y C )MCMC TCTC D(X D,Y D )MDMD TDTD C’s Neighbor Table A(X A,Y A )MAMA TATA B(X B,Y B )MBMB TBTB D(X D,Y D )MDMD TDTD D’s Neighbor Table A(X A,Y A )MAMA TATA B(X B,Y B )MBMB TBTB C(X C,Y C )MCMC TCTC Location Verification d AB (RSS) d AB (Coordinate) d AD (RSS) d AD (Coordinate) YES Update the information NO Discard the information

16 Page: 16 WMNL A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) A’s Neighbor Table B(X B,Y B )MBMB TBTB C(X C,Y C )MCMC TCTC D(X D,Y D )MDMD TDTD Overcome NLOS condition A’s Neighbor Table B(X B,Y B )MBMB TBTB C(X C,Y C )MCMC TCTC D(X D,Y D )MDMD TDTD ! Request for verification ! ! B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB) C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC)

17 Page: 17 WMNL C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC) B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB) A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) Overcome NLOS condition YES Reply Request NO Forward Request Direct LOS with D

18 Page: 18 WMNL A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC) d BD (RSS) Overcome NLOS condition {d BD (RSS), D(X D,Y D )} B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB)

19 Page: 19 WMNL A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB) d BD (RSS) Overcome NLOS condition d AB (RSS) C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC) θ d AD (RSS) d AD (Coordinate) YES Update the information NO Ignore and delete the record

20 Page: 20 WMNL C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC) B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB) A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) Overcome NLOS condition YES Reply Request NO Forward Request Direct LOS with D Request for verification

21 Page: 21 WMNL C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC) B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB) A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) Overcome NLOS condition Request for verification !

22 Page: 22 WMNL C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC) B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB) A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) Overcome NLOS condition {d CD (RSS), D(X D,Y D )} Direct LOS with D

23 Page: 23 WMNL C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC) B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB) A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) Overcome NLOS condition d BD (RSS) θ BCD d CD (RSS) d BC (RSS) d BD (RSS) d BD (Coordinate)

24 Page: 24 WMNL C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC) B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB) A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) Overcome NLOS condition d BD (RSS) {d BD (RSS), D(X D,Y D )}

25 Page: 25 WMNL C(XC,YC)C(XC,YC) B(XB,YB)B(XB,YB) A(XA,YA)A(XA,YA) D(XD,YD)D(XD,YD) Overcome NLOS condition d BD (RSS) θ ABD d AB (RSS) d AD (RSS) d AD (Coordinate)

26 Page: 26 WMNL Simulation Parameters Simulatorns-2 ver 2.34 Simulation Time15~30 minutes Number of Vehicles100~1000 Simulation Area20 km (Highway 417 in Ottawa) Communication Range300 m Radio PropagationTwo-ray ground Antenna TypeOmni antenna MAC Layer802.11p Beacon Frequency1 Hz Max Hop4 Data Rate6 Mbps Packet Payload152 Byte Speed Limits0~100 km/h Obstacle Length10~15 m

27 Page: 27 WMNL Obstacle Model LOS (Line-of-Sight)NLOS (None-Line-of-Sight)

28 Page: 28 WMNL Neighborhood Awareness and Location Verification 200 Vehicles with 25% obstacleDifferent vehicle densities with 25% obstacle

29 Page: 29 WMNL Channel Capacity Utilization 6 Mb/s 、 packet size 152Bytes 、 with 25% obstacle

30 Page: 30 WMNL Message Delivery Success Rate Obstacle

31 Page: 31 WMNL This paper proposes a novel location verification protocol among cooperative neighboring vehicles for VANETs –Verifies a vehicle’s announced location. –Overcome an NLOS condition. –Increase the vehicles’ rate of neighborhood awareness –Improve the message delivery success rate –Providing reliable position information for upper level applications.

32 Page: 32 WMNL

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