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IDEA Making an Old Enemy Your Friend. MYTH or REALITY?  IDEA is a for-profit corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "IDEA Making an Old Enemy Your Friend. MYTH or REALITY?  IDEA is a for-profit corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 IDEA Making an Old Enemy Your Friend

2 MYTH or REALITY?  IDEA is a for-profit corporation.

3 REALITY  The IDEA Center is a non-profit organization.  It emerged from the student protest movement in the late 1960s.  For details, see:

4 How does IDEA work?

5 12 Objectives

6 Focusing on #2 and #11  #2: Learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories  #11: Learning to analyze and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view

7 FACULTY INFORMATION FORM: What Faculty Do  On the Faculty Information Form, the faculty member identifies just a few objectives (see IDEA website for help).  ult/files/Student- Ratings_Faculty_Information_Form.pdf ult/files/Student- Ratings_Faculty_Information_Form.pdf

8 What Students Do  Students rate progress on all 12 objectives.  Students also report their motivation and their observations about class pedagogy, the instructor’s engagement with the class, and the instructor’s communication about expectations.

9 STUDENT SURVEY FORM  ult/files/Student_Ratings_Diagnostic_Form. pdf ult/files/Student_Ratings_Diagnostic_Form. pdf

10 12 Objectives Faculty Information Form Student Survey Form Diagnostic Form Report

11 Diagnostic Form Report: Faculty Results  Results are interpreted based on the students’ self-reported progress on the objectives the faculty member chooses.  The students’ self-reported progress on the objectives the faculty member did not choose are not factored into the results.  The results also provide feedback on teaching methods and styles, as well as specific suggestions on strengths to retain and areas to improve.

12 Common Questions about the Diagnostic Form Report  Raw vs. Adjusted Score  5-point scale vs. Converted Average  IDEA Database vs. Discipline vs. Institution

13 Using the IDEA website  Get specific suggestions for help on each of the 20 Teaching Methods and Styles: and-papers/pod-idea-center-notes- instruction and-papers/pod-idea-center-notes- instruction  Find out how to interpret your results: ult/files/InterpretativeGuideDiagForm.pdf ult/files/InterpretativeGuideDiagForm.pdf

14 Feel free to contact us:  Karen Gaffney, Chair, English Department (S-333A)  Kevin Hinkle, Chair, Communication and Languages (S-252)

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