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REVIEW GUIDE Helpful tips for your success!. Vocabulary to know….  Hunger  Appetite  Caliper  Pinch test  Cholesterol  Lipid  Unsaturated fat 

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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW GUIDE Helpful tips for your success!. Vocabulary to know….  Hunger  Appetite  Caliper  Pinch test  Cholesterol  Lipid  Unsaturated fat "— Presentation transcript:

1 REVIEW GUIDE Helpful tips for your success!

2 Vocabulary to know….  Hunger  Appetite  Caliper  Pinch test  Cholesterol  Lipid  Unsaturated fat  Polysaturated fat  Nutrients  Energy  Lapses  Malnutrition  Stress eating  Deficiency  Saturated

3 True OR False….  Does a teaspoon of fat has more than twice the calories of a teaspoon of sugar.  Are electrolytes dissolved minerals that carry electrical charges?  Are honey and sugar the same as far as the body is concerned?  You must eat meat to be sure you get enough nutrition?  The best dietary measure against cancer is to take antioxidant vitamin pills each day?

4 True OR False….  Can you eat any food on a weight-loss diet as long as you don’t eat too much?  Is it harder to lose a pound than to gain one?  The way to lose fat most rapidly is to stop eating?  Does being underweight present a risk to your health?  Do you have to stop eating carbohydrates in order to be successful in losing weight?

5 Short term conditions when choosing the wrong food….  Fatigue (lack of energy)  Bad moods  Depression

6 Long term condition when choosing the wrong food…  Obesity  Heart & artery disease  Diabetes  Hypertension  Tooth decay  Eating disorders (anorexia or bulmia)  Lactose intolerance  Wheat intolerance  High cholesterol  Osteoporosis  Peripheral Artery Disease-blockages

7 Consequences of obesity…  Fat clogs up the arteries which starve the muscles from oxygen and energy they need. (Plaque build up; high blood pressure; heart attack; diabetes)

8 Fatfold measurement info…  Caliper-measures the thickness of the body fat under the skin. Helps with calculating your BMI  Pinch test-taken without the use of any equipment.

9 What are nutrients measured in…?  GRAMS

10 6 essential nutrients…  Carbohydrates  Fats  Proteins  Vitamins  Minerals  Water

11 When dieting (losing weight)…  Time your meals  4-5 smaller meals  Make meals that meet your nutrient needs  Think of it as you’re adopting this plan for life.  Diet, exercise, behavior changes  Must lose fat not lean tissue when losing weight safely/permanently.

12 When gaining weight….  Be patient, consistent, and eat enough calories to support your project weight gain goal.

13 Function of protein in the body…  The body’s machinery, does the cells work.

14 Body weight consists of:  Bones, muscles, fat, fluids, and other tissues

15 Food pyramid  What’s at the top and bottom?

16 Where does the body get glucose when a person hasn’t eaten in awhile?  Own organs and other muscles

17 What does ‘energy spent’ determine?  How much fat a person’s body stores in its fat tissues

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