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MUSKOKA MNCH TRACKING TOOL The North-South Institute/Canadian International Development Platform/People & Code.

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1 MUSKOKA MNCH TRACKING TOOL The North-South Institute/Canadian International Development Platform/People & Code

2 The challenge(s) Muskoka – MNCH is Canada’s signature foreign aid initiative, at $2.85bn over 5yrs (announced 2010) it makes up the single largest share of Canadian aid The initiative has placed substantial emphasis on transparency/accountability from the start Lot of very useful “open data” related to the initiative is available But this is fragmented, across sources, format types The complicated nature of the commitment ($1.1bn in “new” funding + $1.75bn in “baseline”) makes analysis challenging, despite open data IATI doesn’t contain ‘marker’ or ‘coding’ for Musk/MNCH Partner level traceability is not possible as no Canadian Musk/MNCH executing partner (currently) publishes to IATI Impact/results info is at a general level (compared to partner info)

3 The solution(s) Work with a master list of Musk/MNCH unique IDs (across sources) to first conduct a meta analysis of data sources Convert and link various data sources and types into one hub (e.g. MongoDB) to ready API for JSON access which would allow visualization (e.g. d3.js) – Sources: DFATD-IATI; DFATD-Open Data; IATI registry; IATI datastore – Types: XML, CSV; including manual upload to DB Demonstrate visualization that enables: – Tracking commitments vs. actual expenditures (burn rate) – Baseline vs. new funding breakdowns – Network/cluster graph of partnerships (type of organization, CSO, multilateral etc.) – Executing partners and organizations involved; subsectors/priorities – Country level mapped view; with disaggregation to project level – Results/impact – Allow extensibility to new data feeds (e.g. interchange with Can-MNCH alliance data)

4 Summary analysis There are 687 unique projects overall, however: – If you only query current projects browser (DFATD open data) you will find 574 – Musk-MNCH browser has fewer – If you combine with historical (DFATD open data) you will find 496 – If you looked in current IATI you will only see 158 – There are differences in what info is available via which source There are several good reasons for these differences (even though all are “open data” they have different ends); not just a problem of data joins, quality (there are some issues but not insurmountable) Not only do sources have differences in the extent of coverage, but also in attributes (which fields are covered) Overall, the initiative seems on-track, but it would be difficult to reach this assessment without triangulating various sources

5 Summary analysis Data currently allows coverage from 2010-11 to 2012- 13 (prelim). By year 3 (of 5) $1.77bn of $2.85bn has been spent (62.1%) – $1.15bn in baseline and $0.62bn in new Vast majority of projects executed by foreign non-profit partners, i.e. multilateral agencies, directly through foreign governments; $1.13bn or 63.8% Canadian non-profits are second largest exec partner $347mn –dominated by few large partners like Micronutrients I; Aga Khan; Care; Plan; Save – Several “nulls” and breaks in data yet to be worked out

6 Recommendation Given the small number of large partners (Canadian) involved, and an already established network (Can-MNCH alliance), Muskoka-MNCH implementers could be excellent candidate for IATI publication pilot – Pilot could be worked into org work plans, could be limited (to start) to just Musk-MNCH projects Canadian Musk-MNCH partners could play valuable role in enhancing IATI results tracking fields by leveraging their own results/impact ME systems to enrich IATI data (and possibly the wider schema) IATI publication would be better positioned as lessons/Knowledge-Sharing exercise (than accounting/reporting) – In the process, IATI often reduces or eases other reporting burdens Official figures likely understate Canada’s contribution to global MNCH; not having complete picture of Canadian orgs resource allocation, investment, partnerships, we estimate, leaves out about 50% of the Canadian contribution Bringing this in view could enhance results & impact analysis, narrative and build further support for efforts Combination of open source tools, IATI data standard, community (tech, data, policy) support can make this happen






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