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1 Overview of Other Global Networks Exchange Network User Group Meeting April 2006.

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1 1 Overview of Other Global Networks Exchange Network User Group Meeting April 2006

2 2 Other Key Networks Global Justice Public Health Information Tracking National Information Exchange Model Various Networks are getting press… law enforcement, intelligence, homeland security and even the Exchange Network.

3 3 Global Justice Driven by Policy Leaders at Department of Justice Foundation is to create common vocabulary to share information Data standards and XML schema created –Partners are using the standards and XML schema but DOJ doesn’t track implementors What is missing is the connection to defined business flows.

4 4 Public Health Tracking Network Public Health Information –Link to Environment Information Pilot project throughout the country –CDC grants –State environment departments and health departments focus on different projects to test approaches for sharing environmental and health data. Initial technical standards were using Messenger Services and ebXML.

5 5 Public Health Tracking Network Current status –Using results of pilot projects to develop implementation plan –Final technical approach will be established based on pilot projects and interoperability with other Federal Networks

6 6 National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Two primary partners –Dept of Justice –Dept of Homeland Security Build out of the Global Justice Information Network Adding new data definitions and XML Aligns categories of data and how these groups exchange data

7 7 National Information Exchange Model Federal Government continues to invest in growing this model –FBI announced intent to invest $400 million –Conforms and tests the Federal Data Reference Model

8 8 Data Reference Model The DRM is a framework whose primary purpose is to enable information sharing and reuse across the federal government via the standard description and discovery of common data and the promotion of robust data management practices.

9 9 Commonalities Service Oriented Architecture XML Data standards and definitions

10 10 Challenges Ahead There is a Federal Enterprise Architecture…but it will take a few years for a “Federal” direction to be implemented States are establishing State wide technical architecture and addressing interoperability internally – How do we bring all this together? –Will there be a governance similar to the Exchange Network –Local, State, Tribes, and Federal government working together on “interoperability? –This is already starting in small pockets

11 11 The Future Exchange Network is on course with Federal initiatives Serving business needs will go along way to staying the course We also need to be cognizant of these other initiatives to make sure we continue to be in alignment

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