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Dark Matter direct and indirect detection

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1 Dark Matter direct and indirect detection
Martti Raidal NICPB, Tallinn, Estonia NORDITA Winer School 2015

2 We are experiencing very interesting period in fundamental physics –
there are paradigm shifts in several fields NORDITA Winer School 2015

3 Instead of introduction:
A lesson from the LHC NORDITA Winer School 2015

4 LHC discovered the Higgs boson
Frascati, 2014

5 All LHC + Tevatron data - 10σ signal
P. Giardino, K. Kannike, I. Masina, M. Raidal, A. Strumia, arXiv: Frascati, 2014

6 Tests of Higgs couplings
Frascati, 2014

7 New physics enters only in loops
Frascati, 2014

8 At the same time …. LHC: Precision physics and flavour physics:
No SUSY discovered yet No signals of compositness, no new resonances No extra dimensions No unexpected results Precision physics and flavour physics: No new sources of flavour and CP violation No higher dim. operators below TeV Frascati, 2014

9 This is exactly opposite to the expectations by naturalness:
All scalar masses must be at cutoff scale … … unless there exists a stabilizing mechanism at EW scale … or Nature is fine tuned Frascati, 2014

10 The hierarchy problem is properly named:
it is not the "quadratic divergence problem” It concerns the physical hierarchy of physical particles Naturalness is a real, physical principle for NP Frascati, 2014

11 Physics is experimental science!
The lesson Physics is experimental science! No SUSY seems to be around the corner Higgs indicates no GUTs Community is polarized in rethinking naturalness NORDITA Winer School 2015

12 Dark Matter comes to rescue!
NORDITA Winer School 2015

13 Outline of my lectures Dark Matter – the evidence
Dark Matter candidates Ways to detect Dark Matter – direct, indirect, colliders, dark matter self-interactions NORDITA Winer School 2015

14 History of DM Movement of stars in the Galaxy Movement of galaxies
Jan Oort (1932) Fritz Zwicky (1933) Movement of stars in the Galaxy Movement of galaxies in clusters NORDITA Winer School 2015

15 Evidences for DM Small scale (galactic sizes/distances)
Medium scale (galaxy clusters) Large scale (observable Universe) DM is dark because it is seen only through its gravitational interaction. No interaction with SM seen so far! NORDITA Winer School 2015

16 Small scale - rotation curves of galaxies
NORDITA Winer School 2015

17 Medium scale – galaxy clusters
Velocity dispersion of galaxies in clusters Gravitational lensing NORDITA Winer School 2015

18 Medium scale – bullet clusters
Kills MOND, constrains DM self-interactions NORDITA Winer School 2015

19 Large scale Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies
Large Scale Structure (LSS) Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) NORDITA Winer School 2015

20 The history of Universe
NORDITA Winer School 2015

21 Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background
The ESA Planck satellite Fluctuations 10-5 NORDITA Winer School 2015

22 CMB tells the content of the Universe
The first peak – overall mass-energy content Ω The second peak – baryonic matter Ωb The third peak – cold Dark Matter ΩDM The Universe can be described with ΛCDM NORDITA Winer School 2015

23 Energy budget of the Universe
Also SN observations confirm the accelerated expansion of the Universe NORDITA Winer School 2015

24 CMB polarization Induced by Thomson scattering at the end of recombination – very small effect Consistency check for inflation Planck Mission polarization data must come out these days! The rumor is ….. NORDITA Winer School 2015

25 Two types of polarization – E-modes and B-modes!
BICEP2 claims to measure primordial B-modes Fluctuations of gravity Gravitational lensing (excluded) Can also be induced by dust Assuming the first, the measured tensor-to-scalar ratio r=0.2 implies the scale of inflation to be 1016GeV This is our only realistic exp. test of quantum nature of gravity Frascati, 2014

26 Tension with Planck data
Frascati, 2014

27 Implications for inflation and gravity?
V=(1016)4 GeV4 is sub-Planckian – particle physics is under control But Lyth bound implies trans-Planckian field excursions What about operators like ϕ6, ϕ48, ϕ which all must be there according to standard paradigm? Inflation data shows no trans-Planckian operators! Frascati, 2014

28 Planck published first dust data
The BICEP2 signal strength can be explained with r=0.2 and no dust R=0 and dust only Frascati, 2014

29 One needs to study correlations between the BICEP2 and dust maps
Done by theorists Small but significant correlation found r=0.1±0.04 This analyses must be repeated by experiments Frascati, 2014

30 Large scale - BAO Matter distribution has a preferred scale
Acoustic peak depends on DM and baryon content NORDITA Winer School 2015

31 Large Scale Structure Primordial fluctuations are seeds of structure
Structure formation happens dimension by dimension Structure has fractal properties – it repeats itself in different scales NORDITA Winer School 2015

32 DM in galaxies - where is it?
DM halos are believed to be spherical (cannot loose energy) N-body simulations suggest rich sub-halo content (satellite and dwarf galaxies observed) Detection of DM depends on mass distribution and minimal mass of subhalos Detection of DM depends on DM halo properties around Sun NORDITA Winer School 2015

33 DM density profiles in galaxies
NORDITA Winer School 2015

34 Non-relativistic DM velocity distribution
NORDITA Winer School 2015

35 Problems/challenges/future work
Core vs. cusp problem - N-body simulations prefer cuspy profiles (NFW, Einasto) “Missing” satellites compared to N-body sim. “Too big to fail” – satellites less massive than sim. DM self-interactions? Planes of satellites in the Galaxy Bulge-less disc galaxies Voids too empty? NORDITA Winer School 2015

36 Example – core vs cusp problem
Density profile in dwarfs seems to have a core Problem of physics or obs./sim.? Baryonic matter dominates in the Galactic centre DM self-interactions, warm DM? Solutions: GAIA satellite will measure movement of stars in our Galaxy and in dwarf satellite galaxies! N-body simulations become realistic (baryons, DM self) NORDITA Winer School 2015

37 What is the Dark Matter? NORDITA Winer School 2015

38 What is the DM mass scale?
Whatever is DM, it couples to gravity via Tμν The SM does not have viable cold DM candidate! The SM neutrinos with Σ mi=0.1 eV contribute 0.2% of DM The SM neutrinos are warm DM NORDITA Winer School 2015

39 Supermassive objects - MACHOs
Dead stars, planets etc., must be non-baryonic or created before BBN Microlensing: MACHO fraction <20% for M=M NORDITA Winer School 2015

40 Primordial Black Holes (PBH)
Not predicted by standard cosmology because of small primordial perturbations NORDITA Winer School 2015

41 DM as elementary particles
NORDITA Winer School 2015

42 DM as a thermal relic NORDITA Winer School 2015

43 The WIMP miracle This mass scale has nothing to do with EWSB
NORDITA Winer School 2015

44 Warning – many alternatives possible
DM stabilized by Z3 not Z2 semi-annihilations Freeze-in of very weakly coupled particle very heavy DM possible NORDITA Winer School 2015

45 Asymmetric DM DM may be like proton The asymmetries in the
baryon and DM sectors may be related Scenarios contain dark forces and selfinteractions NORDITA Winer School 2015

46 Paradigm shift in WIMP DM physics
Instead of Z2-stabilized one thermal relic (SUSY) Dark sector can be as complicated as visible sector Multi-component DM Dark sector can contain dark forces Dark photons Dark Yukawa sector Strong interactions in the dark sector – Dark Techicolor Dark Matter can form dark discs (10% of DM in our Galaxy) and/or affect large scale structure NORDITA Winer School 2015

47 DM mass scale NORDITA Winer School 2015

48 Ultralight scalars: axion-like particles (ALPs)
If scalar is light, its phase space density is high Such a DM should be described as a field To be viable DM, particles must be created at rest Initial misalignment mechanism NORDITA Winer School 2015

49 The QCD axion Pseudo-Goldstone boson of axial symmetry
Invented to explain the absence of strong CP violation Axions solve the strong CP problem NORDITA Winer School 2015

50 QCD axion couplings Couples to gluons and photons due to mixing with the pion where Other possible interactions 1 MHz ≈ 4×10-9 eV nucleon dipole moment d = gda

51 Detection principle Look for axion-photon conversion
From cosmological sources Create your own - laser ADMX Res. microwave cavity CAST NORDITA Winer School 2015

52 NORDITA Winer School 2015

53 Experiments: light-through a wall
Photons „tunnel“ through a barrier via conversion to axions in a strong magnetic field


55 Nucleon electric dipole moment
Given that DM is a classical field a that couples to nucleons as then all (local) nucleons will have a time dependent EDM (current bound |dn| < 2.9×10−26 e·cm) In the case of the QCD axion (Molecular EDMs are about 28 orders of magnitude larger.)

56 Expected CASPER sensitivity

57 The message New experiments are being planned to test light dark sector properties (APLs, dark photons etc.) NORDITA Winer School 2015

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