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10.4 Inscribed Angles 5/7/2010. Using Inscribed Angles An inscribed angle is an angle whose vertex is on a circle and whose sides contain chords of the.

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Presentation on theme: "10.4 Inscribed Angles 5/7/2010. Using Inscribed Angles An inscribed angle is an angle whose vertex is on a circle and whose sides contain chords of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 10.4 Inscribed Angles 5/7/2010

2 Using Inscribed Angles An inscribed angle is an angle whose vertex is on a circle and whose sides contain chords of the circle. Intercepted arc is an arc that lies in the interior of an inscribed angle and has endpoints on the angle.

3 To find the measure of an arc use the central angle. Central angle 115˚

4 Theorem 10.7: Measure of an Inscribed Angle If an angle is inscribed in a circle, then its measure is one half the measure of its intercepted arc. m  ADB = ½m A D B 130˚ (½)130 = 65˚

5 Ex. 1: Finding Measures of Arcs and Inscribed Angles Find the measure of the blue arc or angle. m = 2m  QRS = 2(90°) = 180°

6 m = 2m  ZYX = Ex. 2: Finding Measures of Arcs and Inscribed Angles Find the measure of the blue arc or angle. 2(115°) = 230° 115˚

7 m = ½ m Ex. 3: Finding Measures of Arcs and Inscribed Angles Find the measure of the blue arc or angle. ½ (100°) = 50° 100°

8 Theorem 10.8 If two inscribed angles of a circle intercept the same arc, then the angles are congruent.  C   D

9 Ex. 4: Finding the Measure of an Angle It is given that m  E = 75 °. What is m  F?  E and  F both intercept, so  E   F. So, m  F = m  E = 75° 75°

10 Example 68/2 = 34 180-118 = 62 62/2 = 31 62 + 68 = 130 180-68 = 118118 + 62 = 180 Same as arc QP =62 68 + 62 + 118 = 248

11 Assignment Practice Workbook p. 193 (1-15)

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