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FAO Biosecurity Toolkit

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1 FAO Biosecurity Toolkit
STDF Workshop on SPS Capacity Evaluation Tools 31st March 2008, Geneva

2 Roadmap Introduction What is Biosecurity?
Guide to Assess Biosecurity Capacity How the guide is being used by FAO Benefits of applying the guide in Bhutan

3 Introduction Biosecurity is emerging as one of the most
pressing issues of global importance Globalization Increased movement of people, agricultural and food products across borders Emergence and spread of transboundary diseases New agricultural production and processing technologies Greater attention to biodiversity, sustainable agriculture and environment Growing membership of World Trade Organization Increased public awareness about sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) issues

4 Introduction Move to enhance coordination among national bodies (SPS measures) Some countries adopted an integrated approach to biosecurity (New Zealand, Belize, Norway, Canada, Finland) Most countries still managing biosecurity along traditional sector-oriented lines – lack of strategic focus, inefficient use of scarce resources and less optimal result FAO developed Biosecurity Toolkit - guidance and tools to assist developing countries in adopting more coherent and holistic approach to biosecurity

5 FAO Biosecurity Toolkit
Practical guidance and support to develop and implement national biosecurity framework Framework to identify cross-cutting biosecurity capacity needs to address gaps inherent in a purely sectoral approach Presents benefits of a harmonized and integrated approach to biosecurity Part 1: Biosecurity Principles and Components Part 2: Guide to Assess Biosecurity Capacity Part 3: Overview and Framework Manual for Biosecurity Risk Analysis

6 What is biosecurity? A strategic and integrated approach that encompasses policy and regulatory framework for analyzing and managing relevant risks to human, animal and plant life and health, and associated risks to the environment

7 Biosecurity – a new concept?
no National programmes are already in place to prevent, control and manage sectoral risks to life and health (food safety, animal health, plant health, protection of environment, etc.) but A cross-cutting and strategic approach that takes advantage of linkages and synergies across sectors is new

8 Changing approaches to biosecurity
Fragmented Integrated Limited attention to interdisciplinary and cross-cutting issues Contradictions, duplication and gaps in policies, laws, etc. Lack of strategic focus Inefficient use of available resources Sectors collaborate towards common goals Harmonization of policies, laws and regulations Joint priority-setting, resource allocation, monitoring, etc. Improved ability to achieve mandates

9 Rationale Convergence of human, animal and plant and environmental health issues Existence of hazards/diseases with potential to move across sectors Breakdown in security at one point in the chain can have consequences for the rest of the food chain

10 Guide to Assess Biosecurity Capacity
Step-by-step guidance to: assess cross-cutting biosecurity capacity needs pinpoint areas for improvement identify means to achieve future goals formulate biosecurity strategies and capacity building action plans

11 Biosecurity capacity … the ability of relevant organizations to perform functions effectively, efficiently and sustainably in order to: protect human, animal and plant life and health protect associated aspects of the environment and contribute to its sustainable use

12 What does biosecurity capacity encompass?
Policies Legislation – laws and regulations Organizational arrangements Communication and information exchange Sector organizations with capability to deliver core biosecurity functions (e.g. inspection, diagnostic services, quarantine, etc.)

13 How does the Guide work? Promotes an interdisciplinary and participatory approach Focuses on cross-sectoral functions Complements sector assessment tools Offers a process rather than a solution Presents country examples and reviews various options to strengthen capacity Provides practical tips and suggestions to support use

14 Process - 7 steps Step 1: Obtain high level support
Step 2: Agree on purpose, scope, process Step 3: Profile biosecurity context Step 4: Assess existing biosecurity capacity Step 5: Develop a shared vision of desired future biosecurity Step 6: Identify capacity needs Step 7: Generate options to address them

15 Getting started Step 1: Obtain high-level support
- Biosecurity cuts across different agencies - Need to convince policy and decision-makers - Essential to establish biosecurity as a national priority and ensure cross-sectoral collaboration and participation Step 2: Agree on the purpose, scope and process - Ensure transparency about why the assessment is being carried out and reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings - Make best use of available resources (human, financial, time)

16 Situation analysis Step 3: Profile the biosecurity context at the country level Examine the context for biosecurity at the national level Biosecurity issues, general needs, prevailing challenges and opportunities Influenced by geography, environment, climate, economy system, trade, borders, etc Context shape biosecurity goals, programmes and activities

17 Situation analysis Step 4: Assess existing biosecurity capacity
Examine current situation of biosecurity capacity and performance –identify strengths and weakness Ensure capacity building activities are tailored to country conditions Provide broad framework focus on: - overall biosecurity system (policy, legal, regulatory, organizational arrangements) - Delivery and performance of core functions - Linkages and interdependencies across sector

18 Developing shared vision of the desired future
Step 5: Describe the desired future situation of biosecurity Developing vision and goals What outcomes are expected of the biosecurity system? How should biosecurity outcomes be enhanced in the future? What would the biosecurity system achieve as a whole if it worked effectively and maximized potential cross-sectoral gains?

19 Identifying capacity needs and options to address them
Step 6: Identify capacity needed to reach desired future Step 7: Generate options to address identified needs Several options available (far-reaching to more conventional, incremental change) Different options suit different countries Some options can be pursued simultaneously Deciding on most appropriate options leads to capacity building strategy and action plan The Present The Future what is needed?

20 Examples of options Biosecurity policy framework
Harmonize sector policies Formulate new biosecurity policy Adopt a regional approach to policy formulation Legal framework for biosecurity Harmonize existing sector legislation Draft a new biosecurity law

21 Examples of options (cont.)
Institutional framework Improve coordination between agencies involved Identify lead agency for biosecurity Create a new biosecurity agency Delivery of core functions Involve third parties in delivery of services Apply cost-recovery model Used shared infrastructure Develop shared training programmes, etc.

22 How the Guide is being used -FAO
Assess biosecurity capacity needs under the FAO/Norway Cooperation Programme Facilitate national stakeholder workshops on an integrated biosecurity approach As a resource for training Support project formulation (FAO, STDF)

23 How the Guide is being used -FAO
Biosecurity need assessment has been carried out in Nepal, Bhutan, Panama and Haiti STDF funded project in Nepal - focus on HRD Develop National Action Plan, Biosecurity Policy and country situation report for Bhutan

24 Training of Trainers workshops on Biosecurity
Rome, Italy 22-25 January 2008 21 Participants from 14 countries Bangkok, Thailand 28-30 May 2007 31 Participants from 16 countries Accra, Ghana 30 May - 1 June 2007 27 Participants from 15 countries Santiago, Chile 9-11 May 2007 22 Participants from 10 countries

25 Feedback -ToT Workshops
Integrated approach to biosecurity is relatively new but important There is overlapping and duplication in roles and responsibilities among biosecurity sectors Need to create awareness on the concept in order to enhance coordination and collaboration The toolkit is comprehensive, systematic, relevant and very practical Need for carrying out assessment of biosecurity using the guide Seek assistance from FAO to carry out biosecurity capacity assessment.

26 Application of the Toolkit in Bhutan
Bhutan has adopted integrated approach to Biosecurity with establishment of Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA) in 2000 Designated BAFRA as regulatory authority for food safety, animal and plant health including biosafety

27 Benefits of Integrated Approach
Strong organizational structure - all core biosecurity measures administered under single agency - fast and effective means of information exchange, synergies for effective administration and improved coordination of cross-sectoral issues Balanced policy & decision making processes - through the Management Board of BAFRA, Effective utilization of resources amongst various divisions within BAFRA (quarantine, inspection, internal quarantine, food safety assessment and border controls) One-stop shop for processing all permits and certificate

28 Benefits of FAO Biosecurity Guide
No assessment of biosecurity capacity was carried out since BAFRA was established Created awareness on importance of adopting integrated approach to biosecurity - National Stakeholders Workshop held in April 2007 Application of FAO Biosecurity Toolkit proved very practical and useful A systematic and objective assessment of the Biosecurity capacity needs was done – lead agency as well as stakeholder agencies Develop biosecurity capacity building action plan Developed Biosecurity Policy

29 Developing an Action Plan
Methodology Interviews with concerned stakeholders National stakeholders workshop held in April 2007 Drafted on basis of gaps between current situation and vision of improved biosecurity capacity Focuses on needs that cut across the various biosecurity sectors and at different levels Many of these needs concern BAFRA as the regulatory authority for food safety, animal and plant health, and biosafety

30 Developing a Biosecurity Policy
Reasons: - Changing political scenario – introduction of Parliamentary Democracy - formalize the integrated approach to biosecurity - formalize already existing legal and institutional arrangements – lead agency model with BAFRA as the competent authority - develop shared vision and desired future biosecurity system

31 Developing a Biosecurity Policy
Methodology National Stakeholder Consultative Workshop on Development of National Biosecurity Policy 43 representatives (public, private sectors and BAFRA) Presented to the Management Board for endorsement and submitted for govt. approval

32 Benefits of Applying the Guide
Greater awareness among stakeholders on integrated approach to biosecurity Developed Biosecurity Policy for Bhutan - Political and high-level support for biosecurity activities - framework for improved collaboration among sector agencies - formalize already existing legal and institutional arrangements Developed National Action Plan - Clearly identified future goals, needs/gaps and priorities - greater opportunity to compete for govt. budget allocation Country situation report - basis for project proposal to be presented to prospective donors

33 Thank You!

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