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Memory The Phenomenon of Memory. What is memory?  Memory  persistence of learning over time via the storage and retrieval of information Flashbulb memories.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory The Phenomenon of Memory. What is memory?  Memory  persistence of learning over time via the storage and retrieval of information Flashbulb memories."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory The Phenomenon of Memory

2 What is memory?  Memory  persistence of learning over time via the storage and retrieval of information Flashbulb memories  a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event

3 The Structure of Memory Information Processing Model Memory involves Encoding Storage Retrieval A memory is not stored as one object

4 Information Processing  Encoding  the processing of information into the memory system  Storage  the retention of encoded information over time  Retrieval  process of getting information out of memory

5 Three types of memory  Sensory Memory  the immediate, initial recording of sensory information in the memory system  Short-Term Memory  activated memory that holds a few items briefly  Long-Term Memory  the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system

6 Sensory Memory The initial recording of sensory information in the memory system Iconic Memory A fleeting photographic memory Lasts only a few tenths of a second



9 A Model of Memory External events Sensory memory Short-term memory Long-term memory Sensory input Attention to important or novel information Encoding Retrieving

10 Memory Encoding: Getting Information In

11 How We Encode Encoding EffortfulAutomatic

12 How We Encode  Automatic Processing  unconscious encoding of incidental information  space  time  frequency  well-learned information  word meanings  we can learn automatic processing  reading backwards

13 How we encode.citamotua emoceb nac gnissecorp luftroffE Effortful processing can become automatic..ecitcarp elttil a sekat tsuj tI It just takes a little practice..siht ta retteb gnitteg era ouy that ees ydaerla nac ouY You can already see that you are getting better at this.

14 How We Encode  Effortful Processing  requires attention and conscious effort  Rehearsal  conscious repetition of information  to maintain it in consciousness  to encode it for storage

15 Effortful Processing Studied by Hermann Ebbinghaus Principles of effortful processing The amount remembered depends on the time spent learning Spacing effect Serial position effect

16 What We Encode We encode meaning We encode imagery We encode organization

17 Encoding Meaning Semantic Encoding  encoding of meaning  including meaning of words  Acoustic Encoding  encoding of sound  especially sound of words  Visual Encoding  encoding of picture images

18 Encoding Meaning

19 Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

20 Encoding Imagery  Imagery  mental pictures  a powerful aid to effortful processing, especially when combined with semantic encoding  Mnemonics  memory aids  especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

21 Mnemonics Method of Loci Peg word Chunking

22 Organizing Information  Chunking  organizing items into familiar, manageable units  like horizontal organization  1 7 7 6 1 4 9 2 1 8 1 2 1 9 4 1  (1776) (1492) (1812) (1941)  often occurs automatically  use of acronyms  HOMES--Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior  ARITHMETIC--A Rat In Tom’s House Might Eat Tom’s Ice Cream

23 Encoding: Chunking  Organized information is more easily recalled

24 Encoding: Hierarchies  Hierarchies: complex information broken down into broad concepts and further subdivided into categories and subcategories Encoding (automatic or effortful) Imagery (visual Encoding) Meaning (semantic Encoding) Organization ChunksHierarchies

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