Material Processing Material processing - changing the shape, size and/or characteristics.

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Presentation on theme: "Material Processing Material processing - changing the shape, size and/or characteristics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Material Processing Material processing - changing the shape, size and/or characteristics

2 Forming Changing the shape of a material

3 Casting Casting - pouring a material into a mold that has a particular shape. i.e. candles;

4 Extruding pulling or pushing a material through a die. i.e. toothpaste coming out of a tube, pipe, tubing, storm window frames, wire

5 Forging hammering a piece of material into a specific shape

6 Separating Separating - removing parts of material to a specific size. i.e. filing, drilling a hole in wood, sanding

7 Shearing Shearing - separating by use of a wedge (cutting). i.e. cutting paper with scissors, cutting sheet metal

8 Machining –Machining - taking off small pieces of material. i.e. milling, engraving, sharpening with a grinder.

9 Sawing Sawing - using a blade to cut material. Usually produces small chips as a waste product.

10 Combining Combining - joining materials together. i.e. painting, gluing, nailing, bonding.

11 Conditioning Conditioning – changing the internal structure of a material

12 Material processes Thermal processes - using heat to change materials. – i.e. baking, boiling, freezing, steel, glass, petroleum

13 Mechanical Mechanical processes - using force to change materials. – i.e. hammering, penning, machining, shearing

14 Magnetic Processes Magnetic processes - using magnetic forces to change materials. –i.e. making cassette tapes, magnetizing a tool (screwdriver)

15 Acoustical Processes Acoustical processes :using sound wave to change or test materials. –i.e. ultrasound, medicine

16 Optical Processes Optical processes - using light to change materials. –i.e. photoelectric processes, laser, fiber optics

17 Electrical Processes Electrical processes - using electrons to change materials. – i.e. electrical discharge machining, electromagnetic waves

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