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Mark Craig Group Manager

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2 Mark Craig Group Manager
Oracle Workflow

3 Oracle Workflow System Management
Hints and Tips

4 Important Patches OWF H Patchset OWF G Rollup 7: 3868138
Metalink Note Released November 4 OWF G Rollup 7: Simplified prereqs Released November 17

5 Agenda Is everything up and running?
Are the Agent Listeners falling behind? Why did the Mailer go down? Why didn’t I receive my ? When can I drop and recreate workflow queues? When can I “skip” errored workflow activities? What’s the latest on the Workflow Directory Service? Any news on cloning?

6 #1 Is everything up and running?

7 Oracle Workflow Manager
Dashboard for System Administrators and DBAs Component of Oracle Applications Manager Accessible from Workflow Administrator resp Track Workflow System Status Manage Workflow Background Processes Manage Notification Mailer Drill Down Capability

8 Oracle Workflow Manager
Unified Logging Diagnostics Notification User Preferences GSM Setup Mailer Component Test Mailer Component Parameter Test Mailer Diagnostic Test

9 Oracle Workflow Manager

10 Workflow Service Instances
There are two workflow service containers which must be running:

11 Workflow Service Components

12 Workflow Manager: Metrics
Access metrics either via graph or Related Links: Throughput:Work Items(View)

13 Drill Down on an Item Type
Error Count per activity per item type

14 Drill Down per Activity Stage
Launch Monitor, Abort (All), Retry (All)

15 View Errored Work Items

16 #2 Are the Agent Listeners falling behind?

17 Workflow Agent Listeners
Business Event System requires agent listeners to be run to process event messages An agent listener monitors incoming messages and dequeues messages When an event message is dequeued, the Event Manager begins subscription processing for the event. Oracle Workflow provides 3 seeded agent listener service components to process messages: Workflow Deferred Agent Listener (WF_DEFERRED) Workflow Error Agent Listener (WF_ERROR) Workflow Inbound Notifications Agent Listener (WF_NOTIFICATION_IN) Event – A business event is an occurrence in a internet or intranet application or program that might be significant to other objects in a system or to external agent. For instance, the create of a purchase order is an example of a business event in a purchasing application. Subscription – An event subscription is a registration indicating that a particular event is significant to a particular system and specifying the processing to perform when the triggering event occurs.

18 Workflow Agent Listeners
Workflow Deferred /Java DeferredAgent Listener for deferred subscription processing (Local subscription) Can run multiple Workflow Agent Listeners on WF_DEFERRED MUST BE RUNNING Workflow Error/Java Error Agent Listener for error handling (Error subscription) Workflow Inbound Notifications Agent Listener inbound agent for e–mail notification responses (External subscription) can run multiple Workflow Agent Listeners on WF_NOTIFICATION_IN Local – The subscription applies only to events raised on the subscribing system. External – The subscription applies only to events received by an inbound agent on the subscribing system. All event messages received by an inbound agent on the subscribing system are considered to have an External source. Error – The subscription applies only to errored events dequeued from the WF_ERROR queue.

19 Workflow Manager: Agent Activity

20 Search on Messages/ View XML

21 Tip: Custom SQL Example SQL to check status of messages (example only)
select count(*) from$wf_deferred where msg_state = ‘READY’ select count(*) from$wf_notification_out where msg_state = ‘READY’ (example only) Queue message states also available from wfver.sql

22 Tip: Custom SQL Simple custom SQL to check status of service components select 'Service component ' || COMPONENT_NAME || decode (COMPONENT_STATUS, 'RUNNING', ' is running', ' is not running') from fnd_svc_components where concurrent_queue_id = (select concurrent_queue_id from fnd_concurrent_queues where concurrent_queue_name = 'WFALSNRSVC') order by COMPONENT_TYPE, COMPONENT_ID (example only) Also available from wfver.sql

23 #3 Why did the Mailer go down?

24 Oracle Workflow Java Mailer
Based on standard Java Mail APIs SMTP for outbound Optional IMAP for inbound OR users respond via hyperlink included in One Workflow Mailer for detail and summary s Leverages Generic Service Management feature to manage JVM Leverages Generic Service Components feature to monitor java threads

25 What type of errors? Not configured correctly
See Workflow Manager Online Help Not configured when system was started Complete configuration Run (for owf g, run wfntfqup.sql after contacting support) Invalid Addresses mark.craig instead or

26 What type of errors? SMTP Server uncontactable
UNIX SA doesn’t talk to Apps DBA Content Generation errors Uncompiled Packages Oracle/Java Errors IMAP Server uncontactable Mail Admin doesn’t talk to Apps DBA Unexpected Errors: Oracle/Java Unsolicited s

27 Mailer Status says System Deactivated
Maximum error count for Mailer is 10 (default) Service Component Level MAX_ERROR_COUNT=10 10 consecutive fatal errors = Stopped with Error Maximum restart count is 5 (default) Service Instance Level SVC_COMP_MAX_ERROR_COUNT=5 5 sets of 10 consecutive errors = System Deactivated

28 Workflow Service Components
Workflow Notification Mailer service components use for inbound and outbound mail processing can run multiple outbound thread for scalability. can only run one inbound thread Workflow Agent Listener service components to perform deferred subscription processing error handling for the Business Event System inbound e–mail processing for notification mailers

29 #4 Why didn’t I receive my email?

30 Possible Causes Email traffic – be patient
Check Notification Preference “Do not send mail” “Summary” Address Not set Wrong Invalid

31 Find Notification Screen

32 Troubleshooting Send a Test to that Role using Workflow Manager, note down the NID. wfmlrdbg.sql: for a given NID: Notification Status and Mail Status Role Details: preference and address Existence/Status of Messages on Queues Depends on Queue Retention Time (processed messages may have already been purged), default retention is zero WF_DEFERRED WF_ERROR WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT WF_NOTIFICATION_IN

33 Troubleshooting – wfmlrdbg.sql
Notification Item Information Notification Recipient Role Members Notification Recipient Role Information Notification Recipient Routing Rules Notification More Info Role Information Notification Message Attribute Values Notification Attribute Values Notification User Comments Deferred Queue Status Error Queue Status Notification OUT Queue Status Notification IN Queue Status Message Templates Generate Notification Message GSC Mailer Component Parameters Mailer Tags

34 Troubleshooting Metalink Note 242941.1
How to Troubleshoot Java-based Workflow Notification Mailer in and OWF G

35 #5 The Agent Listeners are running slowly, should I drop and recreate the queues?

36 Dropping Queues No!!! Not supported unless you are using a SQL script provided by Oracle Workflow Development Not all Queues can be recreated without loss of data WF_ERROR WF_JAVA_ERROR WF_DEFERRED WF_JAVA_DEFERRED WF_NOTIFICATION_IN

37 Investigate Performance Issues
Number of messages on queue (wfver.sql) Run more Agent Listeners OK to run in parallel Review STATSPACK Reports Review DB File I/O Temporary Tablespace used heavily for LOB Operations

38 #6 My Order Management workflow has errored…
#6 My Order Management workflow has errored…. can I just skip that activity?

39 Skipping Activities Not Supported
Workflows are business processes For a product to function properly, all activities within the workflow process need to be executed, for example: Activity 1 – creates business document Activity 2 – inserts record into table Activity 3-6 update other tables Activity 7 – updates record created by activity 2 If Activity 2 errors and you “skip” it, Activity 7 will error, but activity 3-6 have already been executed……data is corrupted!!!

40 Status Monitor

41 Status Diagram

42 Status Diagram

43 #7 What’ the latest Workflow Directory Service Rollup??

44 Workflow Directory Service v4
Patch Additional Bug Fixes Enhancements to support Role Based Access Control Role Hierarchies Included in OWF H and AOL Data Security Rollups And any product which prereqs those patches Bulk Synchronization disabled for partitions which are hierarchy enabled

45 #8 Any news on Cloning?

46 OWF H + OAM H Automated Cloning No manual steps required
Global Preferences, Instance specific runtime data updated to be correct for target instance More details Oracle Applications Manager Online Help Oracle Applications System Administrator Guide

47 Future Directions Basic vs Advanced
Keeping the Mailer Up in unfriendly environments SMTP Server not contactable IMAP Server not contactable Many Addresses wrong or invalid Integration with System Alerts feature of OAM Official hooks to get status of service components for 3rd party management tools eg. Database view Enterprise Manager Integration Raise alerts based on queue backlog Override Address vs Test Mail address

48 Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S A

49 Workflow Administrator Web Applications

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