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Breakout Group 3: Distribution, Replication and Interfacing with Specialized Repositories.

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Presentation on theme: "Breakout Group 3: Distribution, Replication and Interfacing with Specialized Repositories."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breakout Group 3: Distribution, Replication and Interfacing with Specialized Repositories

2 Federation & Preservation (Q1 & Q4) Federation is orthogonal to preservation Question of trust of remote resources Preservation requires making lots of copies Recommendation: be more like CiteSeer

3 Data Integrity (Q2) This area is in danger of being over- engineered –public key registry, XML signatures, etc. Simplest achievable goal: DRIADE maintains checksums of data

4 Distributed Storage Technology (Q3) If done correctly, this should be invisible to the users Implementation details change over time –distributedness is a system detail DRIADE should focus on URI / DOI-type interface

5 Key Issues to Consider Observation: successful systems set the barrier to participation to 0 –automatically filled with good enough context/metadata

6 Recommendations: Existing Communication Methods What is available to pre-ingest? Forums / wikis / blogs / email lists / etc. ? Do these communication channels (forums, etc.) already exist in the community? –if yes, archive them and ingest their artifacts (e.g., uploaded files) –if no, create them (and then mine their contents)

7 Recommendations: Identifiers DRIADE should be in the business of creating identifiers (DOIs if possible) –promote the datasets to 1st class web resources Two modes: –user uploads data to DRIADE –DRIADE creates an ID that acts as a surrogate for the content in the remote, specialized repository

8 Recommendations: OpenURL Provide community-specific linking services via OpenURL Do not try to: –build a better search engine –compete w/ Google, et al. –create a new discovery service

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