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Community Discovery in New Chaplino, Chukotka UAF Department of Alaska Native and Rural Development U. S. Department of Interior - National Park Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Discovery in New Chaplino, Chukotka UAF Department of Alaska Native and Rural Development U. S. Department of Interior - National Park Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Discovery in New Chaplino, Chukotka UAF Department of Alaska Native and Rural Development U. S. Department of Interior - National Park Service UAA American Russian Center Providensky Borough, Chukotka

2 Issues and Skills Developed Conducted real world facilitation using the Healthy Community concepts. Working with a group of unfamiliar people towards a successful outcome. Cultural sensitivity in community based research.

3 Community Planning Effort Held in New Chaplino, Chukotka Introduction and confirmation of protocols Community web concept and sacred values Identify changes occurring to community Identify problems within the community Identify community strengths and resources Formulate community action plans

4 Introduction and acceptance

5 Introduction Ground Rules Planning Successes in Alaska Communities Web Exercise – Ice Breaker Community Approval Social Time Sacred Values of the Community What is your favorite thing to do? Where is your favorite place to go? Why do you live here? What holds the community together? Closing activity: “New Chaplino, my Native village is…”

6 Community Change

7 Second Meeting Recap of previous meeting Introduction to concept of change and examples Understanding change is important to surviving it Change from outside forces can be damaging Exercises “What changes have you seen in your lifetime?” There are less fish The climate is warmer People speak the Native language less Community Visioning Drumhead/Medicine Wheel Analogy Closing Activity and Recap

8 Community Barriers & Assets

9 Third Meeting Barriers Recap of last meeting Exercise to list barriers to reaching community vision Lack of self-confidence Alcoholism Bureaucracy Ranking of significant barriers Potential for divisiveness Community Assets Exercise to identify examples of social, physical and spiritual resources that could be present in a community There are people who preserve their culture, language, and traditions There are experienced marine mammal hunters There are good, enthusiastic teachers

10 Community Action Plans

11 Eradication of Alcohol Dependence Develop program to propagate a healthy way of life and adult alcohol education in the village Train one villager to work with alcohol dependent people for a permanent job in the village Invite psychologists for work with those suffering alcoholic dependence and their families Introduction of lessons in living in a healthy way at school and kindergarten Introduction of the laws regulating behavior in public places and conducting preventive work within the population

12 Preserving Traditional Knowledge Teaching native children the Eskimo language Teaching adults the Eskimo language Tutorship of young people by elders (Elders Council) Learning of Eskimo language in pairs: speaking person - not speaking Creation of a village museum Training children in ivory carving Dog breeding Conducting traditional dances and songs

13 Community Education Increase support to teachers Promote cultural and education exchange between Chukotka and Alaska Have children visit Alaska to speak on Eskimo language Cooperation of school in New Chaplino and schools in Alaska Teach children at school the traditional national crafts Get parents be involved to school activities

14 Lessons Learned Obtain a Russian phrase book Obtain a permit for the satellite phone prior to departing to Russia Insure the study group has a dedicated translator There needs to better surveillance of the community Define a single purpose of visit Conduct a pre-trip seminar with students and review group facilitation of the Healthy Community Process


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