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EPGP-EG 2013-14, IIM Indore. Course Name : EMERGING TECHNOLOGOES “Automation of Knowledge Work” Group Number: 3 Group Members: 1) Mr. Arbind Kumar (EG2013-04)

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Presentation on theme: "EPGP-EG 2013-14, IIM Indore. Course Name : EMERGING TECHNOLOGOES “Automation of Knowledge Work” Group Number: 3 Group Members: 1) Mr. Arbind Kumar (EG2013-04)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EPGP-EG , IIM Indore. Course Name : EMERGING TECHNOLOGOES “Automation of Knowledge Work” Group Number: 3 Group Members: 1) Mr. Arbind Kumar (EG ) 2) Ms. Archana Shinde (EG ) 3) Mr. Pravin Kolhe (EG ) 4) Mr. Krushna Chnadra Satapathy (EG )

DEFINITION:- Knowledge work automation is defined as use of computers to perform tasks that rely on complex analyses, subtle judgments, and creating problem solving. VISION:- The power of omniscience. Knowledge work automation is made possible by advances in computing technology(processor speed and memory capacity) machine learning and natural user interfaces

3 SPEED & SCOPE 100 times increase in computing power from IBM’s Deep Blue to Watson from 1997 to 2011. 400+ million increase in number of users of intelligent digital assistants like, Siri & Google Now in last 5 years. 230+ million knowledge workers or 9% of global workforce will be impacted.

4 DOMINANT PLAYERS Using deep learning neural network natural user interface emerging players are:- Apple’s Siri, Google’s now Symantec’s clear well Smart action IBM Watson super computer

Clerical and administration Social sector like- Health and Education Management and professional services.

6 TARGET By 2025 the knowledge of automation and systems would have an output of 110 million – 140 million full time equivalents (FTE) The value of the output would have economic impact of $5.2 trillion - $6.2 trillion

7 BARRIERS & CHALLENGES The new emerging technology are complex and ever changing. There will be cultural and organizational difficulties of change management. There will be legal and ethical considerations. Fixing accountability for any lapses in the system will be harder. The nature of work will change & million of people will require to acquire new skills. There will be unemployment issues. The benefits of technology may not be evenly distributed.

8 IMPLICATIONS There will be pervasive transformation of economic of many industries There will challenges and opportunity for technology provider business leader, individuals and policy holder The jobs will be redefined and there will creation of new type of jobs There will be income disparity among knowledge workers with respect to develop and developing country They measure beneficiary will be drug industries, law firms, financial institutions.

Several Routine based processes can be automated with the help of Knowledge Automation technology such as, Technical Sanction to an Estimate Creation of Beneficiaries List based on pre-defied parameters. Ease in decision making in complex issues such as declaration of Election Results with automatic counting of votes, with predefined set of rules. It will assist decision makers including Judges of various courts and Tribunals to arrive at a Judgment after defining problem statements, constraints, variables and rules. It will help in formulating various policies and important documents like 5 year plan, economic survey, budgets etc. This technology will enable physically challenged persons to make their like more comfortable.


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