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How to Create a Cartoon Using Go!Animate

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Presentation on theme: "How to Create a Cartoon Using Go!Animate"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Create a Cartoon Using Go!Animate

2 Help for Students: Storyboard Checklist Rubric

3 You’ll find Go!Animate at

4 Sign Up or Login.

5 Click on Create.

6 Choose Animation Studio for your first use of Go!Animate.

7 Choose your cast.

8 Choose a theme for your cartoon.

9 Choose a background and choose

10 Choose a character(s) for your scene.

11 Click to add character motion and emotion. Move the character forward or backward. Flip the character.

12 Choose a bubble and enter text.

13 Edit the text bubble. Change the font, color, and alignment. Move the handles.

14 Add objects if you choose.

15 Add music.

16 Add special effects.

17 Edit the timing of the special effect. Remove special effects.

18 Edit the timing of the text.

19 Add (or remove) scenes.

20 Copy and paste graphics.

21 To import a graphic choose Your Stuff.

22 Browse for the file. Select a type and upload.

23 Fix the position, crop, and add to Your Stuff.

24 You can undo and redo with the Undo and Redo buttons.

25 Preview your cartoon.

26 Save your cartoon. Be sure to save it as a private cartoon.

27 Click on the Back to Edit button when returning to work on your cartoon.

28 You can delete a cartoon. Go to My Page. Hover your mouse over the cartoon.

29 To do more editing click on the Edit button.

30 You can also do find Edit in the Options Menu.

31 You can e-mail your cartoon if you saved it as public. You can embed your cartoon. You can download the cartoon for $.99.

32 When saving your cartoon students are required to keep it private. Inappropriate material will be removed but there may be a delay between posting and removal.

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