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1 GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) Phase 2 Air Quality and Health Working Group Stefan Falke, Rudy Husar, Frank Lindsay, David McCabe, Erin.

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Presentation on theme: "1 GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) Phase 2 Air Quality and Health Working Group Stefan Falke, Rudy Husar, Frank Lindsay, David McCabe, Erin."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) Phase 2 Air Quality and Health Working Group Stefan Falke, Rudy Husar, Frank Lindsay, David McCabe, Erin Robinson

2 2 Air Quality & Health Scenario Scenario Overview The AQ Scenario envisions multiple types of AQ observations… satellite observations of AQ and meteorology in-situ, ambient observations models of meteorology and chemical transport other: emissions data, fire observations, LIDAR, etc. …being registered, discovered and accessed via GEOSS and used to inform diverse decision-makers: Air Quality Managers, Policy-Makers, and the Public. Scenario community-developed ; AIP participation diverse (next slide) Initial sub-scenario testing AIP Use Cases describes a Wildfire/Smoke event Challenges Persistent, standardized AQ data network Interface to GCI: Community Catalog, Portal Implementing scenarios which can integrate the offerings using GCI-compatible Service Oriented Architecture

3 3 AQ&H WG Core Participants Catalog/ Metadata Data Access Sensors/ Models Workflow ClientsScenario EPA ESIP AQ Cluster GIOVANNI GMU NOAA NGDC Northrop Grumman VIEWS WUStL

4 4 ESA/FAO ESRI Compusult WAF DataSpaces Catalog Z39.50 CS/W Portal AQ Community Infrastructure DRAFT Future Considerations Direct Access to GEOSS Clearinghouse Community Portal/DataSpace input to GEO Portals DataSpaces part of Community Portal? Evolving Architecture Metadata DB FGDC, ISO, SERF

5 5 ESA/FAO ESRI Compusult WAF DataSpaces Catalog Z39.50 CS/W Portal AQ Community Infrastructure DRAFT Future Considerations Direct Access to GEOSS Clearinghouse Community Portal/DataSpace input to GEO Portals DataSpaces part of Community Portal? Evolving Architecture Metadata DB FGDC, ISO, SERF USERS registers finds binds

6 6 Users and the GEOSS Vision GEOSS Common Users Mandate Community Infrastructure Communities of Practice developing the SOA infrastructure & tools to turn Earth observations into decision support

7 7 AQ AIP Linkages

8 8 Key Standards for AQ: CSW, WCS Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How to get there? Automatically extract discovery metadata from Capabilities & KML CSW – Queriable Fields for Discovery WCS – Data Access Service Extensions Collaboration with UNIDATA & GALEON 4D Grids for Models, Satellite Data netCDF – CF Convention Station Time Series (STS) for Point Data netCDF – STS Convention

9 9 Community Portal A user interface between GEOSS CGI and AQ Community Catalog A content aggregator and connector Help air quality data/service providers and data/service users make use of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure Forum for dialogue among the community in shared interests in air pollution events, analysis tools, models, datasets, etc. Development Portal: Help in finding and using search, visualization and analysis tools Latest data analyses, publications, etc Latest activity on AIP AQ&H WG Google Sites as RSS Components /Services filtered for air from search on ESRI GEO Portal as GeoRSS Data/services metadata from DataSpaces

10 10 Extra Slide: AQ & H Smoke Scenario Scenario Actors, Services, and ProductsTransverse Tech Use Cases AQ01. Fires are detected through satellite and surface observations Bind - Accessing a Sensor Alert Service, notification send to a Fire detection Workflow service AQ02. Based on fire locations, smoke forecasts (processing services) are run to predict downwind impacts 1-3 days in the future which indicate a regional smoke pollution event Process - Running a forecast (--- Workflow & Processing WG) AQ03. Multiple smoke forecast products are available to the manager/analyst through OGC WCS Bind - Accessing a Model AQ04. Multiple smoke observation products are available to the air quality manager/analyst through OGC WCS or OGC SOS Bind - Accessing a Product AQ05. The air quality manager/analyst uses spatial-temporal comparison services to analyze differences and similarities in the smoke forecast products Visualize - Analysing forecast products (--- Portal & Desktop applications WG) AQ06. The air quality manager/analyst uses the smoke forecasts to issue public health alerts Publish a rendering service (WMS...) ? AQ07. The air quality manager/analyst issues sensor tasking requests to satellite and UAV based sensors to collect new data over the predicted smoke impacted areas, before, during and after the event Bind - Accessing a Sensor Planning Service, with scheduling requirements AQ08. The air quality manager/analyst uses the smoke forecasts to anticipate exceptional event waiver requests by States TBD AQ09. After the smoke event, the air quality manager/analyst uses spatial- temporal comparison services between the forecast and observation data (from satellite and surface sensors) to assess the accuracy of the models Visualize - (--- Portal & Desktop applications WG) AQ10. The air quality manager/analysts uses multi-source observation data to determine whether exceptional event waiver requests should be approved. TBD

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