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LABORATORY SEVEN The Neuroendocrine System: Overview.

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1 LABORATORY SEVEN The Neuroendocrine System: Overview

2 The Neuroendocrine System (homeostasis control) Nervous system (rapid & transient) Central Peripheral –Somatic: voluntary –Autonomic: involuntary Endocrine system (slow & long lasting)

3 The Endocrine System Fig 7.2, p119 – only model

4 Islets of Langerhans Microscopic view of a group of cells in the pancreas that are endocrine in function

5 The Peripheral Nervous System Cranial Nerves - 12 pairs –Sensory (afferent) - carry impulses toward the CNS –Motor (efferent) - carry impulses away from the CNS –Mixed (both sensory & motor in a nerve bundle) –Located inferiorly, numbered in order, anterior to posterior Spinal Nerves - 31 pairs –Mixed –Numbered based on the name and number of their associated vertebrae

6 Cranial Nerves Auditory Spinal (When studying the Cranial Nerves model, turn the page 180 o )

7 Memory Tool for Learning Cranial Nerves Nerve Name Function Olfactory nerve IOnSome (sensory) Optic nerve IIOldSay (sensory) Oculomotor nerve IIIOlympus’Marry (motor) Trochlear nerve IVToweringMoney (motor) Trigeminal nerve VTopBut (both S & M) Abducens nerve VIAMy (motor) Facial nerve VIIFinnBrother (both) Auditory nerve VIIIAndSays (sensory) Glossopharygeal nerve IX GermanBig (both) Vagus nerve XViewedBrains (both) Spinal Accessory nerve XISomeMatter (motor) Hypoglossal nerve XIIHopsMore (motor)

8 Spinal Nerves (both sensory and motor in function) Cervical (C1-C8) Thoracic (T1-T12) Lumbar (L1-L5) Sacral (S1-S5) Coccygeal (Co)

9 Plexuses Collection of nerves that innervates a specific region of the body: Cervical: head & neck, diaphragm Brachial: upper limb Lumbar: anterior thigh Sacral: buttocks, lower limb, and pelvis

10 The Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic: fight-or-flight –Increases the heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, sweat gland activity Parasympathetic: rest-and-repose –Lowers the heart rate and blood pressure

11 Biopac Setup for Lie Detection (7A Procedure, p118) To test the function of autonomic nervous system Measure sympathetic response and subsequent release of adrenal gland hormones –Galvanic skin response will be analyzed only measures an increase in electrical conductivity of skin following excess sweat and ions contained therein Class should be quiet! Write down your answers in your laboratory report, Tables 7.1-7.3, p124 & 125

12 Lab Report 7 Fig 7.1, p123 –Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system control the same organs with opposite effects –Go to your text book and look where the nerves are coming off of the CNS, not the tissue they stimulate Let’s answer Q79-82, p126, in the class.

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