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Copyright © 2010 Verizon Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed solely for uses that are both (a) educational.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2010 Verizon Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed solely for uses that are both (a) educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2010 Verizon Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed solely for uses that are both (a) educational and (b) non-commercial. Any reproduction or distribution of this document for any other purpose, including commercial gain, is strictly prohibited. Registering for the Verizon Thinkfinity Community Trainers Name Organization

2 2 Verizon Thinkfinity Community Registration 1.Begin by clicking on Register.

3 3 2.Enter a current email address. You will be prompted to check your email for further instructions. 3.Once validated, click on the link to Create your account and profile. Verizon Thinkfinity Community Registration

4 4 4.Enter the information requested on the Registration page. 5.Click on Continue to create your profile. Verizon Thinkfinity Community Registration IMPORTANT: When selecting a Username, do NOT choose your email address. Your Username will be visible to all Community users

5 5 6.You are welcome to upload a photo of yourself at any time. 7.In order to have an icon appear next to anything you do within the community, you must select an avatar. You may use a preloaded image or upload your own by clicking on the Browse… button. Verizon Thinkfinity Community Registration (You can use a picture of yourself for your avatar.)

6 6 8.Add some information, if youd like, and choose options for your visibility. 9.Click Continue to preview your profile. Verizon Thinkfinity Community Registration

7 7 10.Youll see a preview of your profile and can choose to use this and continue to the next step, or return to the Edit Profile page to revise it. Verizon Thinkfinity Community Registration IMPORTANT: You will always be able to see your name and email address when you view your profile or postings. Others will not see this information if you choose to hide it.

8 8 11.Invite others to join you here! That way you can share ideas and resources, and stay up- to-date on news! Note: You do not have to invite others at this time. Simply click on the link, No thanks, Im finished. You can always invite your friends in the future! Verizon Thinkfinity Community Registration

9 9 You will see a message that you have finished setting up your account. Click on the link to Go to your home page and youre all set! Verizon Thinkfinity Community Registration

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