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11/02/20141 A Curriculum for Excellence Meeting with S1 Parents Ronnie Summers September 2011 Musselburgh Grammar School.

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Presentation on theme: "11/02/20141 A Curriculum for Excellence Meeting with S1 Parents Ronnie Summers September 2011 Musselburgh Grammar School."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/02/20141 A Curriculum for Excellence Meeting with S1 Parents Ronnie Summers September 2011 Musselburgh Grammar School

2 Overview of session 4 capacities 8 Curriculum areas and Broad General Education Development of skills, knowledge, attributes Qualifications Reporting and assessment Recognising achievement General questions and discussion 11/02/20142

3 Why are we doing it? To help pupils connect their learning better To get broader and deeper learning To give pupils space to use their learning To make learning better and more relevant To close the gap between our strongest and our weakest pupils To prepare pupils for 21 st century life – skills for learning, for life and for work

4 Organisers - 4 capacities Successful learners – motivated, open, enthused Responsible citizens – respect, committed Confident individuals - ambitious, self-respect Effective contributors – enterprising, partners

5 Organisers - Outcomes and experiences An outcome represents what is to be achieved Experiences delivered in school through curricular areas,interdisciplinary learning,ethos and life of the school and personal achievements but also richness of life outside Outcomes gathered in curriculum areas Performance gauged against I can statements 11/02/20145

6 6

7 Some outcomes at level 3 I can make notes and organise them to develop my thinking… Reading from Literacy and English I can find the area of compound 3-D shapes… – Measure from Numeracy and Mathematics I can explain some of the processes which contribute to climate change… Planet Earth, Sciences I can reach conclusions about how landscapes influence human activity… People, place and environment in S St I can reflect on.. ethical issues arising from technological developments…. - Technologies

8 Organisers - 8 curriculum areas Expressive Arts – Art, Music Languages – English, Modern Languages Mathematics – Mathematics Sciences – Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics Social Subjects – Citizenship, History, Geography, Modern Studies Religious and Moral – Citizenship, RME Technologies – CDT, Computing, Bus Ed Health and Well Being – PE, Home Economics, PSE But there are developing linkages between subjects

9 Organisers - S1-3 Broad General Curriculum Development of skills, knowledge and attributes Pupils should keep studying in all eight curricular areas but can begin to specialise, so there will be choice after S2. S3 choices will be carried over to S4 for certification and SQA qualifications No plan for early presentation for exams

10 Organisers - Assessment to support learning that develops knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and capabilities to give assurance that children and young people are progressing in their learning to provide a summary of what learners have achieved to contribute to planning the next stages of learning to inform future improvements in learning and teaching 11/02/201410

11 Assessment What - for knowledge, skills and attributes Why – to support leaning and pupil engagement When – as part of ongoing learning daily, periodically and at transitions How – variety of approaches, range of evidence, valid, reliable and proportionate assessment 11/02/201411

12 11/02/201412

13 Organisers - Reporting to parents 5-14 pupils working at levels A-F BUT CfE has fewer levels and it will take more time to achieve a level Early – pre-school and P1, but earlier for some First – to the end of P4 but earlier/later for some Second – to the end of P7, but earlier/later… Third and Fourth – S1 to S3 but earlier for some So pupils working from level 2-4

14 Reporting Will include – progress in curriculum areas, achievement of a curricular level, accentuate the positive, be constructive, be fair, no jargon, show attitude and capabilities Will not comment on every experience and outcome 11/02/201414

15 Reporting (2) Do not want or expect pupils to race through levels Breadth of learning across experiences and outcomes – how well?, how much? what rate of progress? A learning journey which covers 3 years Children and young people will progress at different rates, others will require more challenging tasks Developing, consolidating and secure 11/02/201415

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17 11/02/201417 AIFL principles in the classroom Planned learning, not haphazard lessons What do you know about this already? Lesson/s in context of this subject and others Sharing learning objectives Active learning and engagement What does success look like? Reviewing lesson at end

18 Pupils ParentsTeachers

19 We believe in you Do you believe in yourselves?

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