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Individual Awards and Opportunities. Proficiency Awards Based on SAE Program Three categories –AgriScience- Doing an AgriScience Fair Project –Placement.

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Presentation on theme: "Individual Awards and Opportunities. Proficiency Awards Based on SAE Program Three categories –AgriScience- Doing an AgriScience Fair Project –Placement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Individual Awards and Opportunities

2 Proficiency Awards Based on SAE Program Three categories –AgriScience- Doing an AgriScience Fair Project –Placement - Employed by someone Farmhand Work in a restaurant –Entrepeneurship - Own business Raise Livestock Lawn Mowing Service

3 Proficiency Areas Agricultural Education Agricultural Communications Agricultural Mechanics/Technical Systems Agricultural Processing Agricultural Sales and/or Service Beef Production Cereal Grain Production Dairy Production

4 Proficiency Areas Diversified Livestock Production Emerging Agricultural Technology Environmental Science Equine Science Feed Grain Production Fiber Crop Production Floriculture

5 Proficiency Areas Food Science and Technology Forage Production Forest Management Fruit and/or Vegetable Production Home and/or Community Development Horticulture Landscape Management Nursery Operations

6 FFA Members, why are we here? (tap, tap, tap)

7 Proficiency Areas Oil Crop Production Outdoor Recreation Poultry Production Sheep Production Small Animal Care Soil and Water Management Specialty Animal Production

8 Proficiency Areas Specialty Crop Production Swine Production Turf Grass Management Veterinary Science Wildlife Management

9 How Do I Start my SAE Project? Plan –what is your situation now? –what are your goals? –what do you want to achieve? Learn –talk to people with similar projects –read magazines etc. –Talk to your Ag Teacher

10 How Do I Start my SAE Project? Perform –One year at a time –Build your program slowly Keep accurate records –Most important part of an SAE –Awards based on records Complete Proficiency Application –Winners receive cash and trips

11 FFA Scholarships National FFA sponsors $2+ million in scholarships per year Arizona Nursery Association WLC stipend scholarship Arizona FFA Association ACTE (Career and Tech Ed) ACAP (Arizona Crop Protection Association) Farm Bureau Much more

12 Career Development Events Mid Winter Agriculture Sales Floriculture Food Science and Technology Marketing Plan

13 Agricultural Sales Participants complete a fifty-question test and make a sales presentation of an agricultural product including a project summary. The participants also complete one of four practicum's. The topics include customer relations, advertising and promotion, Telephone order taking/customer service, and prospecting for new customers. Team members then participate in a team sales situation, working together to demonstrate group dynamics, problem solving, data analysis, decision making, and oral and written communication skills.

14 Floriculture Members demonstrate proficiency in plant identification, judgment of flora and foliage arrangements, problem solving and skills that include flower arranging, propagation, preparation of floral and foliage products for sale, plant disorders, merchandising and job interview.

15 Food Science and Technology Members will compete in areas of product development and presentation, food safety issues and identification, as well as, using sensory skills for evaluating and problem solving. Students will develop a good working perspective for utilizing sound principles in a decision-making process.

16 Marketing Plan Members develop marketing skills through the development and presentation of a plan that promotes a current or proposed product, supply or service.

17 Career Development Events Spring AgronomyForestry Horse Evaluation Job Interview Livestock Evaluation Nursery and Landscape Wildlife Management

18 Agronomy Member's explore agronomic sciences through several levels of competition including developing solutions for problematic scenarios, identification of seeds, insects, soil and crops, as well as various other management practices.

19 Forestry Members demonstrate knowledge through a written exam of basic forestry principles; tree and equipment identification; and demonstration of practical forestry skills, such as forest disorders, forest management, inventory, and approved silviculture practices.

20 Horse Evaluation Members evaluate horses on breed characteristics, conformation and performance. Members cooperatively complete a series of problems over equine selection, management, nutrition and production. Members present oral reasons on placement classes.

21 Job Interview This event will emphasize developing, practicing and demonstrating skills needed when seeking employment in the agricultural industry. Participants will provide a resume, complete a job application and will interviewed via telephone, one-on-one and panel style. This is an excellent event for students regardless of their future career path choice.

22 Livestock Evaluation Members evaluate beef cattle, sheep and swine on physical characteristics and records for market and breeding usage. Collectively team members work on keep/cull classes and are challenged individually with a written exam. Members give oral reasons explaining their placing of certain classes.

23 Nursery and Landscape Members complete a written exam; identify plant materials and landscape plans; demonstrate practical nursery/landscaping skills, such as landscaping, control, merchandising, plant material measurement, and interpersonal relations and salesmanship.

24 Wildlife Management Members identify native animals and habitat by identification of pelt, scat, skull, bones, tracks, and real life specimens. Members participate in practicums relating to wildlife management.

25 State Leadership Conference Summer (District competitions in January to qualify for state) Agricultural Issues Forum Extemporaneous Public Speaking AgriScience Fair Internet Chapter Reporter

26 Agricultural Issues Forum Participation begins by developing presentation at the local level. From the grassroots start, the team is then challenged to develop a portfolio and deliver a presentation that stresses both pros and cons of the issue. Utilizing verbal skills as well as presentation abilities, the group is asked to defend their findings through a series of questions.

27 Extemporaneous Public Speaking Members are required to deliver a speech on one of three agricultural topics, after they are given 30 minutes to prepare. At the conclusion of the speech, the judges may ask the participant question's related to their speech.

28 Prepared Public Speaking The prepared public speaking event requires participants to write and deliver a six-to-eight minute speech in front of a panel of judges. Scoring is based on the written manuscript, the delivery of the speech and the answers to the questions.

29 AgriScience Fair Members complete a research based project and write a written report to document their research. Students also create a display and explain to judges their findings.

30 Internet A State-Only CDE in which the member who maintains the chapter website will compete. The website needs to conform to certain requirements of quality.

31 Chapter Reporter A State-Only CDE in which the Reporter is to create a portfolio of press releases, news clippings, and other media that document the work of good reporting.

32 Other Competitions Arizona Envirothon: Students work as a team to answer questions and determine solutions in the areas of Forestry, Soil Resources, Water Ecology, Wildlife, Waste management, and Renewable Energy.

33 Setting Goals My career goal is: While in High School I will: –Freshman: –Sophomore: –Junior: –Senior: After High School I will: –College:

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