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September 7, 2005NVO Summer School1 National Virtual Observatory Summer School: Welcome Tom McGlynn NASA/GSFC T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY.

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Presentation on theme: "September 7, 2005NVO Summer School1 National Virtual Observatory Summer School: Welcome Tom McGlynn NASA/GSFC T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School1 National Virtual Observatory Summer School: Welcome Tom McGlynn NASA/GSFC T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY

2 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School2 Outline Purpose of the NVO and Summer School How to get information Faculty and Staff Students Facilities and logistics Schedule Student exercises and projects NVO small grants program (Hanisch) Non-academic activities

3 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School3 Threads of the the VO Fabric Multiwavelength astrophysics Archival Research Survey astronomy Temporal astronomy Moores LawDigital detectorsThe InternetData Standards NGC3104

4 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School4 What is the Virtual Observatory All astronomy data and knowledge is available to all astronomers. Removing barriers to doing science: –Physical. Moores Law –Semantic. NVO team and IVOA partners –Cultural.

5 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School5 International Virtual Observatory Alliance US National Virtual Observatory team currently in 4 th year of five year NSF grant.

6 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School6 Purpose of the Summer School Encourage and enable science research using the Virtual Observatory Teach VO technologies Present research that uses the VO. Support student exercises and projects

7 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School7 Faculty and Staff Introductions Tom McGlynn, NASA GSFC Dave De Young, NOAO Mike Fitzpatrick, NOAO Matthew Graham, Caltech Gretchen Greene, STScI Bob Hanisch, STScI Simon Krughoff, University of Pittsburgh Shui Kwok, Keck Observatory Chris Miller, NOAO Maria Nieto-Santisteban, JHU Ray Plante, NCSA, University of Illinois Doug Tody, NRAO Roy Williams, CalTech Sarah Emery Bunn, CalTech Sadie Lingham, JHU

8 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School8 Student Introductions Albretsen, Jacob: Brigham Young Allen, Steve: UCO/Lick Observatory Allsman, Roberta: NOAO / LSST Project Bochanski, John: U. of Washington Bogosavljevic, Milan: Caltech Brewer, Jeremy: University of Pittsburgh Butterworth, Paul: NASA/GSFC Cargile, Phillip: Vanderbilt University Chan, (Ben) Hiu Pan: Caltech - IPAC (NED) Cortes, Paulo: University of Illinois Desert, Jean-Michel: IAP Deneva, Julia: Cornell University Drake, Andrew: Princeton/Caltech Fhima, Avi: Gemini Observatory Garcia, Jorge: Gemini Observatory Gasson, David: NOAO Gee, Perry: University of California/Davis Hanley, Christopher: STScI Huber, Mark: LLNL Kennefick, Julia: University of Arkansas Kent, Brian: Cornell University Koposov, Sergey: Sternberg Astron. Inst. Lindroos, Johan: CSC-SC, SAMPO / ESO Loh, Yeong: University of Colorado Mahabal, Ashish: Caltech Manzato, Patrizia: INAF Muench, August: CfA Prema, Paresh: University of Cambridge Price, Aaron: AAVSO Puerari, Ivanio: INAOE Seaman, Robert: NOAO Shaw, Laurie: University of Cambridge Strickler, Rachel: SF State University Tucker, Douglas: Fermilab Valdes, Francisco: NOAO Vivas, Kathy: CIDA Wadadekar, Yogesh: STScI Way, Michael: NASA/Ames Whitmore, Brad: STScI

9 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School9 How to get and give information Summer School Web Site – –Permanent record of summer school Summer School Twiki – –This is active site. You can modify it. –Twiki demo. Faculty and staff Feedback sessions

10 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School10 Logistics Internet and electrical connectivity Meals –Dinner Reservations Transport Who to see if there are problems

11 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School11 Schedule See Three phases: –Preschool: technologies used in VO –College: how to use the VO –Graduate School: student projects

12 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School12 Preschool (Wednesday-Thursday) Introductions Software setup Basic XML and SQL More advanced protocols: SOAP, security, the Grid. Languages: VO is language independent

13 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School13 College (Friday-Monday) Overviews of VO applications and protocols. Building basic VO clients Querying and correlating tables in the VO. Building VO Services Building more complex VO clients or services. VO registries Science talks Student exercises

14 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School14 Graduate School: Tuesday- Thursday Student projects Student Presentations Science talks Awards and closing

15 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School15 Science Talks Where the VO has been and is being used for in current astronomical research. Galaxies and clusters (theme) Correlations of large catalogs Object classification Grid analysis of large datasets Data quality in the VO

16 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School16 Projects Scope –Do research using the VO –Build a new VO service or client –Develop new VO protocol –… –See for ideas Organization –Self chosen, student-led teams –All students strongly encouraged to participate –Use the Twiki! Presentations and prizes NVO Grants Program (Hanisch)

17 September 7, 2005NVO Summer School17 Social Social calendar Family Sunday activities School dinner Meals in Aspen Evening get-togethers

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