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Presentation Skills. Speed Effective speakers change their rate of speed to fit their purpose, content, listeners & personal style.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Skills. Speed Effective speakers change their rate of speed to fit their purpose, content, listeners & personal style."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Skills

2 Speed Effective speakers change their rate of speed to fit their purpose, content, listeners & personal style

3 Presentation Skills Pace is the speed at which speaker presents different topics or thoughts within a topic speaker adjusts pace according to listeners and speakers interest

4 Presentation Skills Tone emphasis placed on a word to create meaning variation prevents monotonous presentations

5 Presentation Skills Volume / Variety / Vocabulary 4project your voice - aim for the back 4go faster to excite 4to gain maximum attention, say some words louder 4repeat important words

6 Presentation Skills 4go s l o w e r to emphasize major points 4pause often & look round audience 4give emphasis with voice & body Volume / Variety / Vocabulary

7 Presentation Skills Language avoid… 4acronyms 4being too formal 4long sentences try to… 4use everyday language 4use concrete words

8 Presentation Skills 1. Dress: be comfortable, respectful, careful 2. Facial Expression: a smile makes listeners feel comfortable 3. Eye Contact: is positive; be aware of cultural norms 4. Body Movement: be yourself, move slowly, control nervous behaviour Body Language

9 Presentation Skills 5. Hand & Gestures: gesture above waist, keep fingers straight, gesture to emphasise key points 6. Conditions Affecting Behaviour: (which can you control?) size of room furniture temperature lighting, acoustics your reputation use of visuals other speakers seating arrangements location Body Language

10 Presentation Skills dont point at anyone dont move while presenting key points dont stand rooted to the spot dont leave your hands by your sides dont avoid eye contact Body Language – donts

11 Presentation Skills move hands & arms move around the room move towards audience move your eyes around the audience Body Language - dos

12 Presentation Skills What about your audience? What does their body language tell you? Body Language

13 Presentation Skills Using Visuals A picture is worth a thousand words. Chinese Proverb

14 Presentation Skills Flip Chart / Projector / Posters / Cards… big and bold use drawings use colours face audience, talk, write, talk remove when finished

15 Presentation Skills Using Visuals: Donts dont hide behind your visuals dont let technology or visuals be more interesting than you dont use visuals as detailed notes

16 Presentation Skills Using Visuals: Dos do let your visuals aid you do use visuals to clarify and emphasise do make one point per visual do introduce each visual before showing do practice beforehand

17 Presentation Skills Be Careful with PowerPoint 4 Colours Max Use graphics Check how it looks on projector Use text sparingly

18 Presentation Skills Helpful Attitudes & Values My mind-set wont help them Everybody is human, unique with potential Its OK to teach No one best way People never argue with their own data Facilitators cant win arguments Silence is OK Dont push the river

19 Presentation Skills Making it Interesting 4stories/anecdotes 4explain by analogy 4involve them - ask questions - pause until reply

20 Presentation Skills

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