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Partners EASPD Fontys University of Applied sciences Lebenshilfe Graz Czech Republic Hungary Bulgaria Malta Romania.

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2 Partners EASPD Fontys University of Applied sciences Lebenshilfe Graz Czech Republic Hungary Bulgaria Malta Romania

3 AIM To increase the number of persons with disabilities in open labour market employment, as well as to improve working conditions for them.

4 Ch 2: Supported employment The focus is no longer on the disability of the person, but rather on their ability, and on all the opportunities that are in reality available to them.

5 From a Place - Train - Maintain approach To an approach Choosing Jobs - Getting Jobs - Keeping Jobs


7 Ch 3: Legal Frameworks Key principles: Equal treatment, inclusion in the labour market and mainstreaming of disability issues in relevant policies

8 Ch 4: Partnership’s Need Hungary : has a need for a greater number of more innovative methods to measure skills and to train people to help both management and front-line staff to help pwd to choose, get (and especially) retain a job

9 Ch 5: Employers Must now put words into action when it comes to employing persons with disabilities. Positive action is essential!

10 Ch 6: Career Perspectives So may one finds what one is looking for. Being able to choose one’s own job is central to each individual’s needs, with or without a disability.

11 Ch 7: Life Long Learning Is important for everyone, especially for persons with disabilities who may be lacking some of the most basic skills.

12 Ch 8: Results of the projects ATLAS Conversion I Am 2003

13 Appendix Partners information Material of the project ATLAS Conversion I Am 2003

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