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Meeting the Challenges of Teaching English Language Learners

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting the Challenges of Teaching English Language Learners"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting the Challenges of Teaching English Language Learners
Joanne Marino ESL Consultant / Title III Director NC Department of Public Instruction (919)

2 LEP statistics and the achievement gap The SIOP Model
Our focus today… LEP statistics and the achievement gap The SIOP Model Role of Principals in implementing SIOP PD opportunities

3 From , the number of children who spoke a language other than English increased from 3.8 to 10 million…from 9 to 20% US Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences – National Center for Education Statistics US Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences – National Center for Education Statistics From , the number of children ages 5-17 who spoke a language other than English at home increased from 3.8 to 10 million…from 9 to 20%

4 NCELA is the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition
NC LEP Growth According to NCELA, the number of Limited English Proficient students grew nearly 400% from to NCELA is the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition

5 LEP Students in NC More than 8% of students enrolled in NC Public Schools for the school year

6 NC LEP Students Double left click on graph to get data: K-5 1st generation = 21190, Born in US = 54097 Grades 6-8 1st generation = 12565, Born in US = 8690 Grades st generation = 13203, Born in US = 4734 72% of elementary LEPs and 34% of secondary LEPs are born in the U.S.

7 NC Gap Analysis Students scoring level III or above
Non-LEP LEP Gap Reading 3-8 57.8% 23.1% 34.7% Math 3-8 71.1% 51.9% 19.2% Reading 10 56.3% 41.7% 14.6% Math 10 26% 11% 15% Grades 3-8 Reading target goal = 43.2% Grades 3-8 Math target goal = 77.2% Grade 10 Reading target = 38.5% Grade 10 math target goal = 68.4% AYP scores

8 LEAs NOT Meeting AYP in LEP Subgroup
Reading Math Both Overall # of LEAs not meeting AYP for LEP 77 42 37 79 % of LEAs not meeting AYP for LEP 67% 37% 32% 69% AYP scores

9 NC LEP Achievement Data
LEP subgroup did NOT meet AYP in math (3-8) – in reading (3-8) in math (10) – in reading (10) 86% (83/97) of the Title III LEAs did not meet AYP for LEP subgroup 32 LEAs in Title III improvement

10 The Literacy Challenge
4% of 8th-grade LEP students scored proficient on the reading part of the 2005 NAEP. Teaching the 5 major components of reading to LEP students is necessary, but not sufficient. Develop oral language proficiency Broaden vocabulary development Promote skill transfer from L1 to L2 Build background knowledge NAEP = National Assessment for Educational Progress. Short, D and Fitzsimmons, S. (2007) Double the Work, Alliance for Excellent Education, Carnegie Corporation, New York.

11 The Teaching Challenge
Teachers are underprepared to teach culturally and linguistically diverse students Few teachers are trained to teach initial literacy or content based literacy to secondary students High stakes accountability - NCLB requires testing in Reading, Math, and Science

12 Teachers Need… High quality professional development for teaching English content and learning strategies that can reduce the achievement gap

13 The SIOP Model (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2008)
Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol is S I O P

14 Research Definition of Sheltered Instruction
A means for making grade-level academic content (e.g. science, social studies, math) more accessible for English Language Learners while at the same time promoting their English language development. Echevarria, J., Vogt, M.E., & Short, D.(2008). Making content comprehensible to English learners: the SIOP model. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

15 CREDE (Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence)
The Effects of Sheltered Instruction on the Achievement of LEP Students CREDE (Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence) 7-year research study ( ), funded by the US Dept. of Education Teacher-researcher collaboration Field-testing of professional development Studied effect on student achievement

16 RESULT: The SIOP Model is Born
An observation protocol (rating instrument) A lesson planning and delivery system

17 Components of The SIOP Model
Preparation – language and content objectives Building Background – vocabulary development, student connections Comprehensible Input – ESL techniques Strategies – metacognitive and cognitive strategies

18 Components of The SIOP Model
Interaction – oral language Practice & Application – practice all 4 language skills Lesson Delivery – met objectives Review & Assessment – review vocabulary and concepts

19 SIOP: Inclusive of Best Practices for ALL Students
Differentiated Instruction and Assessment Cooperative Learning Strategies for reading comprehension in the content areas Higher order thinking skills Emphasis on the writing process PLUS: Accommodates the distinct second language development needs of ELLs

20 The NC Guide to the SIOP Model…
SIOP = content objectives language objectives Blends the SIOP model and the NC ELP SCS

21 What is the relationship?
Content Language What is the relationship?

22 Why SIOP Matters! : Study with narrative writing (grades 3-12) : Study with expository writing (grades 6-8) : NJ SIOP Research Study (grades 6-12) : SIOP Science Research Project (grades 6-8) _______________________ Students with SIOP-trained teachers outperformed nonSIOP students on ELP tests + state content tests SIOP instruction led to improved oral, reading, and writing performance Teachers reached high levels of SIOP implementation after 1-2 years. Sustained, supported PD works.

23 SIOP: Compatible with other research and initiatives
World -Class Instructional Design & Assessment (WIDA)- “…high standards and equitable educational opportunities for English language learners.” Robert Marzano’s Classroom Instruction that Works - identifying similarities and differences, cooperative learning, nonlinguistic representations, advance organizers, setting objectives, providing feedback Response to Intervention - differentiated instruction, research-based interventions, implementation by classroom teacher

24 Why SIOP? Framework vs. step-by-step approach Room for creativity Compatible with other programs Connects any content with language skills For all grades, K-12, and all language proficiency levels Research-based

25 Critical Factors for Success of ELLs
ROLE PRINCIPALS Of Critical Factors for Success of ELLs Staff capacity to meet linguistic and cognitive need School-wide focus on language development and standards-based instruction Support teachers during training, implementation, and follow-up Shared priorities and expectations Systematic, ongoing assessment

26 The SIOP Model in North Carolina
Comprehensive PD program Workshops Webinars E-coaching Book Studies DVD Training PowerPoints for LEAs

27 Upcoming SIOP Trainings
Administrators’ Webinar January 29 February 19 March 26 Register at ARCC

28 SIOP Trainings for LEA Teams
March Raleigh June Clemmons

29 Keep the end in mind!

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