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Presents. A Series on a Revolutionary Movement That’s Called The Rebelution.

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1 Presents

2 A Series on a Revolutionary Movement That’s Called The Rebelution

3 Rebelution- A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations 1 Timothy 4:12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

4 Recap of last week As you remember last week we ended the session with the topic of teens and responsibility. As a result of our discussion we found out that many of you feel there is a double standard for teenagers in today's society.

5 Is it possible that what our culture says about the purpose and potential of the teen years is a lie and that we are its victims? - One thing that annoys me is that when I go from class to class and its like half my classes are like you are young adults and I expect you to act like it. And others say that you are just kids and I expect you to obey me and do everything I say. (Double Standard) -You need to experiment with things that grownups should do, but you don’t need to take responsibility.

6 Do you feel shackled by low/high expectations? Well I’m not allowed to join any groups or organizations in school till second semester, because last year I didn’t have the best grades. Now they expect me not to have them, so they wont let me do anything. I was trying to take these hard classes last year and the lady said “you cant take these there too hard for you”. My Dad expects me to get straight A’s all the time. In all of the IB classes that I've attended so far the teachers said “your IB I expect you to do this”, “your IB I expect you to be able to follow along”.

7 What do you think of those expectations? I think they have a right because of years past to think it, but I don’t think that they should come right off the bat, cause were not those other students.

8 If I set high expectations for you how does that make you feel? It makes me mad, but I want to prove them right. (Q)

9 The Myth Of Adolescence: Better known as a teen vacation from responsibility. Or is it?

10 So the big question is where do you as teenagers fit into society? Are you children, are you adults and where do we draw the line? (s) (v)

11 What was The First Documented Case Of The Word Teenager? A) Tyndales first edition English New Testament in 1526 B) Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in 1623 C) Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richards Almanac in 1739 D) Theodore Roosevelt’s Strenuous Life speech in 1899 E) A Readers Digest issue in 1941

12 So the question is what changed? Why is it that young men and omen of the past were able to do things (and do them well) at fifteen or sixteen that many of today's twenty-five to thirty-year-olds cant do?

13 Adolescence 1) The transitional period between puberty and adulthood in human development, extending mainly over the teen years and terminating legally when the age of majority is reached; youth. 2) The process or state of growing to maturity. 3) A period or stage of development, as of a society, preceding maturity.

14 The problem we have is with the modern understanding of adolescence that allows, encourages, and even trains young people to remain childish for much longer than necessary. It holds us back from what we could do, from what God made us to do, and even from what we want to do if we got out from under society's low expectations. For the powerful elephant, a shackle looks like a piece of twine. For young people today-a powerful, educated, and unusually blessed generation-our shackles hide in simple, deadly ideas like “adolescence” and “teenager”.

15 What does the world expect from teenagers? When the phrase “teenagers and expectations” was typed into Google these six results came back

16 Teens and drugs Teens and alcohol Teens and smoking Teens and drinking Teens and marijuana Teens and cell phones

17 In our society most of these verses are reversed 1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways 1 Timothy 4:12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, bet set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world 1 Corinthians 14:20 Brothers, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults

18 The Rebelution: throwing off the shackles of lies and low expectations and returning our generation to a true and very exciting understanding of the teen years-not a vacation from responsibility but as a launching pad for the rest of our lives.

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