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1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Overview Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources NSLS-II Project Director NSLS-II User Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Overview Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources NSLS-II Project Director NSLS-II User Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Overview Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources NSLS-II Project Director NSLS-II User Workshop July 17, 2007

2 2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 2 The Mission Need for NSLS-II Synchrotron radiation light sources were key to launching many science revolutions, including the biotechnology revolution. The ability to “see” atomic positions deep inside materials resulted in a profound change in the way we approach the science of the world around us. We now know that it is largely at the nanoscale where materials properties and functions are determined. Today, we need probes of materials much more powerful than current synchrotrons. We need to directly image at the nanoscale, and we need to probe very small energy changes on the order of 0.1 meV (~1 degree Kelvin). Together, these capabilities will enable us to understand, predict, and control structure-function relationships and to design new materials with advanced properties. This is critical for the development of future energy technologies. Our current synchrotron radiation light sources fall short, because none were designed to meet these challenging technical specifications. NSLS-II is designed to meet this mission need for a new light source capable of providing 1 nanometer spatial resolution, 0.1 meV energy resolution, and single atom sensitivity.

3 3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES A highly optimized x-ray synchrotron delivering: very high brightness and flux; exceptional beam stability; and a suite of advanced instruments, optics, and detectors that capitalize on these special capabilities. Together, these will enable: ~ 1 nm spatial resolution, ~ 0.1 meV energy resolution, and single atom sensitivity. High Level Description of NSLS-II New Science Nanoscience Life Science Nanocatalysis New Capabilities Nanoprobes Diffraction Imaging Coherent Dynamics

4 4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Structure & properties/functions What Research will NSLS-II Uniquely Enable? Self-assembly Emergent behavior Physical, chemical, electronic, and magnetic structure of nanoparticles, nanotubes and nanowires, e.g. new electronic materials that scale beyond silicon Designer catalysts, e.g., in-situ changes in local geometric, chemical, and electronic structure of active catalytic site in real-time and under real reaction conditions Interactions between nanoscale building blocks Kinetics of nanoscale assembly Structure of hierarchical materials from nanometers to microns Mechanisms of directed assembly (by templating or external fields) Molecular interactions in nano-confined environments Direct 3D imaging of domain structures and dynamics, e.g., in random field magnets and spin glasses Colossal magnetoresistance for high- sensitivity magnetic sensors or high- density information storage Dynamics of charge and spin stripes in high temperature superconductors Charge and spin stripes in complex oxides Probe nanometer-scale materials that display emergent behavior Understand how to create large- scale, hierarchical structures from nanometer-scale building blocks Observe fundamental material properties with nanometer-scale resolution and atomic sensitivity Nanocatalysis Molecular Electronics

5 5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 3 rd Generation Synchrotrons Worldwide Total Number of FacilitiesTotal Number of Beamlines Considering only 3rd generation sources, we see that the U.S. currently has 123 beamlines. In the rest of the world, there are currently 296 beamlines on 3rd generation synchrotrons. By 2009, this number will increase to 806. The U.S. will be outnumbered by the rest of the world by 7:1. NSLS-II will increase the number of beamlines to 168. With NSLS-II in 2013, the U.S. will still be outnumbered by the rest of the world by 5:1. U.S. Present Foreign Present Foreign 2009 U.S. 2013, with NSLS-II U.S. Present Foreign Present Foreign 2009 U.S. 2013, with NSLS-II

6 6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Conceptual Design Report Conceptual Design Report > 150 contributors from 17 institutions Submitted December 2006 CD-1 Review - December, 2006 Overall successful and very positive regarding design and team Established cost range of $750M-$925M Further work has refined design

7 7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Project Scope Accelerator Systems Storage Ring (3.0 GeV, 500 mA, ~ ½ mile in circumference) Linac and Booster Injection System Conventional Facilities Improvements to Land Ring Building w/ Operations Center and service buildings (~ 400k gsf) Laboratory/Office Buildings (LOBs) to house beamline staff & users (~60k gsf) Reuse of existing NSLS office/lab space for NSLS-II staff Sustainable design (LEEDS certification) Experimental Facilities Initial suite of 6 insertion device beamlines and instruments Capable of hosting at least 58 beamlines R&D Advanced optics for achieving 1 nm and 0.1 meV Nanopositioning and mirror metrology Advanced insertion devices

8 8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES $30M building construction funding commitment from NYS $10M initial contribution in hand Office space, meetings areas, and laboratories Collaborative, interdisciplinary R&D in areas of physical and life sciences that are united in employing synchrotron-based methods Founded to serve as an intellectual center for development and application of photon sciences and gateway for users of NSLS-II Joint Photon Sciences Institute (JPSI) JPSI

9 9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring Very Broad Spectral coverage Far-IR through very hard x-rays Very high Brightness from 10 eV to 20 keV > 10 21 p/s/0.1%/mm 2 /mrad 2 from ~ 2 keV to ~ 10 keV Very high Flux from 10 eV to 20 keV > 5x10 15 ph/s/0.1%bw from ~ 500 eV to ~ 10 keV Very small beam size  y = 2.6  m,  x = 28  m  ’ y = 3.2  rad,  ’ x = 19  rad Top-off Operation Current stability better than 1% 27 straight sections available for insertion device beamlines 31 BM or Three Pole Wiggler ports available for beamlines Design Parameters 3 GeV, 500 mA, top-off injection Circumference 791.5 m 30 cell, Double Bend Achromat 15 long straights (8.6 m) 15 short straights (6.6 m) Novel design features: damping wigglers soft bend magnets three pole wigglers large gap IR dipoles Ultra-low emittance  x,  y = 0.5, 0.008 nm-rad Diffraction limited in vertical at 10 keV Pulse Length (rms) ~ 15 psec

10 10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Site Plan NSLS CFN Linac Booster JPSI LOB Storage Ring LOB 0 100200 400 FEET MER

11 11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Beamlines 19 straight sections for undulator beamlines Fifteen 6.6 m long low-  and four 8.6 m long high-  Highest brightness sources from UV to hard x-ray 8 straight sections for damping wiggler beamlines Each 8.6 m long high-  Broadband high flux sources from UV to hard x-ray 27 BM ports for IR, UV and Soft X-rays beamlines Up to 15 of these can have three pole wigglers for hard x-rays 4 Large Gap BM ports for far-IR beamlines At least 58 beamlines More by canting multiple IDs per straight Multiple hutches/beamline are also possible For comparison, NSLS has 65 operating beamlines



14 14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Staff Project will grow to 200-250 staff in coming years

15 15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ESH Vision – “Best in Class” A strong ESH program is essential to the safety of the workers and the successful completion of the project We believe all accidents and injuries are preventable and we seek to establish an injury free work environment ESH will be fully integrated into the project and managed as tightly as quality, cost and schedule We commit to a strong Integrated Safety Management System for the project Safe working conditions and practices are an absolute requirement for all staff and contractors

16 16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Thom Mason, Chair, ORNL/SNS Russ Hemley, Carnegie Institute Wayne Hendrickson, Columbia University Gerd Materlik, Diamond Light Source Gopal Shenoy, ANL/APS Bill Stirling, ESRF Albin Wrulich, PSI The PAC is charged to review the progress of NSLS-II and to advise the BNL Director and the NSLS-II ALD on matters related to scientific mission, strategic planning, user access, construction planning, project management, technical performance, and safety, with the goals of maximizing the scientific impact of NSLS-II and integrating NSLS-II into BNL and the national and international scientific communities.

17 17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee Pascal Elleaume, Chair, ESRF Carlo Bocchetta, ELETTRA Glen Decker, ANL/APS Winfried Decking, DESY Dieter Einfeld, ALBA - CELLS John-Marc Filhol, SOLEIL John Galayda, SLAC Lia Merminga, TJNAF David Rubin, Cornell University Christoph Steier, LBNL/ALS Richard Walker, Diamond Light Source The ASAC will advise and provide guidance on technical choices, trade-offs, and decisions; value engineering; measures to improve availability and reliability of operations; diagnostics and controls; etc.

18 18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Conventional Facilities Advisory Committee Jerry Hands, Chair, SNL (retired) Joe Harkins, LBNL Karen Hellman, ANL Richard Hislop, Hislop and Associates Marvin Kirshenbaum, ANL Jim Sanford, BNL (retired) Jack Stellern, ORNL The CFAC will advise and provide guidance on the development of the improvements to land, conventional construction, and utilities systems required to deliver the maximum benefit to the users.

19 19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Experimental Facilities Advisory Committee Simon Mochrie, Chair, Yale University Alfred Baron, SPring 8 Mark Chance, Case Western Reserve University Paul Dumas, SOLEIL Jerry Hastings, SLAC Gene Ice, ORNL Andrzej Joachimiak, ANL Steve Kevan, University of Oregon Robert Liebermann, Stony Brook University Mohan Ramanathan, ANL Ian Robinson, University College, London Francesco Sette, ESRF G. Brian Stephenson, ANL The EFAC will advise and provide guidance on the development of the beamlines and instruments for NSLS-II and will pay particular attention to the optimization of the combined system to deliver the maximum benefit to the users. They will also provide advice and guidance on the choice of instruments to build, assist in forming the Beamline Advisory Teams (BATs) to build these instruments, and generally provide direction to the formation of the experimental facilities at NSLS-II.

20 20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Preliminary Cost Estimate ($M) Cost Range $750M to $925M

21 21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Preliminary Funding Profile ($M) FY09 Start Construction Nov 2007 baseline validation planned to support FY09 budget request Fiscal Year 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 1415Total PED (Project Engineering and Design) 3 45 12 60 Construction 66157235134 48 17 3 660 OPC 1 5 22 20 10 6 4 15 30 4010 163 Total 1 5 25 65 88163239149 78 57 13 883

22 22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 18 Months Total Schedule Contingency Preliminary Summary Schedule

23 23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Transitioning to Operations A phased transition to NSLS-II operations is planned: CD-4a – Initial Operations Beneficial Occupancy of Experimental Floor Initial limited storage ring operations and limited user operations during installation and commissioning of beamlines CD-4b – Start of Operations All commissioning goals have been achieved Transitioning from NSLS to NSLS-II Plan to begin this transition as early as possible Continue operations of NSLS until NSLS-II operational (CD-4b) Move NSLS programs to NSLS-II between CD-4a and CD-4b –Transfer ~ 20 NSLS beamlines to NSLS-II using early operations funding of NSLS-II NSLS and NSLS-II staff merge to operate NSLS-II

24 24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Topical Design Reviews Lattice Magnets WorkshopAug 6-7 Instrumentation & Diagnostics WorkshopAug 8-9 Insertion Device WorkshopAug 20-21 Magnet Power Supplies WorkshopAug 27-28 Control Systems WorkshopAug 27-28 Storage Ring and Booster WorkshopTBD Comprehensive Project Design ReviewSep 12-14 EVMS Review and CertificationOct 1-5 Conventional Facilities Advisory CommitteeSep 25-26 Experimental Facilities Advisory CommitteeOct 4-5 Accelerator Systems Advisory CommitteeOct 8-9 SC Independent Project Review/External Independent Review for CD-2Nov 6-9 Upcoming Events in 2007

25 25 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Plan for Workshop Today Describe conceptual design and status of project Highlight talks on physical and life sciences and user access models Describe process for beamline development at NSLS-II Describe Joint Photon Sciences Institute Describe plans for transitioning from NSLS to NSLS-II Discussions at reception and dinner

26 26 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES We are looking for your feedback and input Tomorrow: Breakout Sessions Technique-based Sessions Hard x-ray Nanoprobe Soft Coherent Scattering and Imaging Powder Diffraction Macromolecular Crystallography Liquid Interfaces Inelastic X-ray Scattering Hard Coherent and XPCS/SAXS XAFS Bio-SAXS Photoemission Spectroscopy Science-based Sessions Life Sciences Catalysis Environmental Science High-Pressure Strongly Correlated Electrons Magnetism Radiometry and Metrology Soft Condensed Matter We expect these sessions to lead to formation of Beamline Advisory Teams (BATs). The BATs will define the scientific mission and technical requirements for the beamlines, including design features and characteristics and instrumentation concepts.

27 27 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary Organization established and staff buildup well underway Baseline scope meets performance and cost goals Conceptual Design complete - no technical show stoppers Novel design w/ outstanding performance and flexibility CPMUs, EPUs, Three Pole Wigglers, Soft Bends, IR Scope provide substantial experimental capability Project beamlines; Large LOBs Plan for transition from NSLS to NSLS-II

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