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The Advent of Christ: The Fulfillment of A Divine Promise The Abrahamic Covenant.

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Presentation on theme: "The Advent of Christ: The Fulfillment of A Divine Promise The Abrahamic Covenant."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Advent of Christ: The Fulfillment of A Divine Promise The Abrahamic Covenant

2 “It is recognized by all serious students of the Bible that the covenant with Abraham is one of the important and determinative revelations of Scripture. It furnishes the key to the entire Old Testament and reaches for its fulfillment into the New…The analysis of its provisions and the character of their fulfillment set the mold for the entire body of Scriptural truth.” John Walvoord

3 “It is this Abrahamic covenant, so explicitly set forth in (Genesis) that underlies the whole subsequent development of God’s redemptive promise, word, and action.... The redemptive grace of God in the highest and furthest reaches of its realization is the unfolding of the promise given to Abraham and therefore the unfolding of the Abrahamic covenant.” John Murray

4 Introduction of the Promises Institution of the Covenant Individuality of the Seed

5 The Introduction of the Promises (12:1-4)

6 Who is Abram? Son of Terah Resident of Haran Married to Sarai Childless (Sarai barren)

7 Called by God (12:1) Blessed by God (12:2-3) Three promises National Personal Universal Faith in God (12:4) Romans 4:3 Galatians 3:6 James 2:23

8 Institution of the Covenant (Genesis 15, 17, 18)

9 Berit = covenant “binding obligation, confirmed by a culturally known practice including an oath, to do something for Abraham and his seed” Keith Essex

10 Chapter 15 Request for an alternate seed / promise of genetic heir (Isaac) – vv. 1-4 Reaffirmation of the national promise – v. 5 Abram saved at this point – v. 6 Request for a sign – v. 8 Initiation of a unilateral covenant – vv. 9-21

11 Chapter 17 Reaffirm God as covenant maker and keeper God Almighty = El Shaddai – v. 1 Covenant 13x in vv. 1-21 “ I ” and “ Me ” Everlasting covenant – v. 7 Everlasting possession – v. 8

12 Chapter 17 Reaffirmation of blessing Great nation – vv. 2-6 Great name – v. 5 Land – v. 8 Physical sign of covenant – vv. 10-21

13 Chapter 18 Promise of Isaac reaffirmed “this time next year” – v. 10 “is anything too difficult for the Lord?” - v. 14

14 Individuality of the Seed (22:15-18)

15 Chapter 22 Birth of Isaac – right on schedule – cf. 21:2 First conversation with God – vv. 1-14 Test of faith – vv. 1-2 Alternate sacrifice given – v. 13 Jehovah Jireh = the Lord will provide

16 Genesis 22 Second conversation (with a twist) Reaffirmation of three promises Personal blessing – v. 17a National blessing – v. 17a Universal blessing – v. 17b – 18 The twist – One Seed is singled out

17 Genesis 22 zera = seed / offspring / descendant (Gen 3:15) “your seed” – zaraka – 2 nd masc. sing (ref to Abraham’s offspring) “shall possess the gates of their enemies” – we’yirash = 3 rd masc. sing (he shall possess) ASV – “And thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.”

18 Analogy of Faith Galatians 3:16 “Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. He does not say, "And to seeds," as referring to many, but rather to one, "And to your seed," that is, Christ.”

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