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What are the six main forms of energy?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the six main forms of energy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the six main forms of energy?

2 What are fuels? Fuel is a substance which can be used as a source of energy. Fuels store chemical energy. When we burn a fuel, its chemical energy is released. Food is the fuel for our bodies

3 Can you give me examples of fuel?
Food, wood, petrol, diesel, wax, etc.

4 What is fossil fuel? Can you give me some examples of fossil fuel?
Most of our common fuels are fossil fuel. Coal, crude oil (which gives us petrol), and natural gas are all fossil fuel.

5 Fossil fuel Where does fossil fuel come from? Fossil fuels have taken millions of years to form. Crude oil was formed from tiny animals and plants which lived in the sea.

6 Fossil Fuel Animals were buried under layers of sand and silt on the sea bed. As the pressure and temperature slowly increased, they were changed into oil. Nature gas can also be found with the crude oil.

7 Fossil Fuel

8 Coal

9 Oil


11 Power Station

12 Renewable and Non-renewable source of energy
Is fossil fuel a renewable or a non-renewable source of energy? What does renewable and non-renewable source of energy mean?

13 Non-renewable source of energy
Fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy. Once we have used them up, they are gone forever. Fossil fuels are not being replaced at the same rate as they are being used up. We need to consider alternative renewable sources of energy for the future.

14 Nuclear power This is also a nonrenewable source of energy since once the energy goes out of the atom, it cannot be used again. Its clean but costly and dangerous to store the waste products.

15 Renewable source of energy
Can you give me some examples of renewable source of energy? Wind, solar, wave, tidal, hydroelectric ,Biomass, and geothermal.

16 Wind power Uses the force of the wind to turn generators to produce electricity. Disadvantages: they require vast amounts of land and they produce a lot of noise.

17 Wind Power


19 Renewable energy These are wind generators these produce energy from wind


21 How it works

22 Solar energy Use the energy of the sun either by using black-painted collector plates by which to heat water and homes or by using photovoltaic cells or photocells to generate electricity. Disadvantage include the initial cost of cells as well as the fact that the sun does not shine all the time.

23 Solar panels



26 Solar Energy




30 Hydroelectric power Hydroelectric power (HEP) is electricity generated from the energy of falling water. It is a very cheap source of electricity at mountainous areas. Disadvantage: they often require valleys to be flooded and communities to be moved.

31 How it works

32 Hydroelectric


34 Renewable energy This is hydroelectric energy it doesn't make pollution

35 Wave power

36 Wave power Energy of moving waves is used to generate electricity.
The vertical motion of waves is converted to rotary motion which is used to drive a generator producing electricity. Disadvantage is that a vast numbers of strings of these ducks would be required.

37 Biomass and biogas Wood Ethanol Methane Biodegradable wastes

38 Tidal

39 Geothermal Our earth’s interior provides heat which can be used without polluting the air.

40 Measurment Energy is measured in Joules (J)
1000 (J) = 1 kilojoule (kJ) James Prescott Joule

41 Did you know ? What do these things have in common: ink , crayons , bubble gum , dishwashing liquid , deodorant, eyeglasses , tires and heart valves ? They’re all among the 3,000 synthetic products made from fossil fuels.

42 Did you know ? When natural gas is burned, it produces mostly carbon dioxide and water vapor. These are the same substances emitted when people breathe.

43 Did you know ?              If all the passenger vehicles in the United States were lined up bumper to bumper, they would reach from the earth to the moon and back! The amount of fuel consumed in these vehicles each year is enough to fill a swimming pool as big as a football field that is 40 miles deep!


45 Did you know ? Did you know that the gasoline in your car's tank is made from petroleum formed from plants and tiny animals that lived 100's of millions of years ago, way BEFORE dinosaurs.

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